Co-organised by HPC centres from Singapore, Japan and Australia, SupercomputingAsia (SCA) 2022 is an annual conference that encompasses an umbrella of notable supercomputing and allied events in Asia. SCA22 was held as a hybrid conference from 1 to 3 March 2022. The key objective of SupercomputingAsia conference was to promote a vibrant and relevant HPC ecosystem in Asia. Delegates were able to gain access to visionary insights from thought leaders in academia and industry, optimum networking opportunities and the Supercomputing community in Asia.
More information about the event here:
EPI partners UNIPI and Kalray had a presentation in the CoNGA (Conference on Next Generation Arithmetic) session. Moreover, Marco Cococcioni (from UNIPI) was a part of the CoNGA technical committee.
More information about CoNGA here: