
The European Processor Initiative gathers 30 partners from 10 European countries to develop the processor and ensure that the key competence of high-end chip design remains in Europe. The leading organisation is Bull SAS from France, and the complete list of partners is here:


The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is a legal and funding entity, created in 2018 and located in Luxembourg to lead the way in European supercomputing.

The EuroHPC JU allows the European Union and the EuroHPC JU participating countries to coordinate their efforts and pool their resources to make Europe a world leader in supercomputing. This boosts Europe’s scientific excellence and industrial strength, support the digital transformation of its economy while ensuring its technological sovereignty.

The EuroHPC JU has been created in 2018 and recently reviewed by means of Council Regulation (EU) 2021/1173.


The EuroHPC JU aims to:

  • develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the EU a world-leading federated, secure and hyper-connected supercomputing, quantum computing, service and data infrastructure ecosystem;
  • support the development and uptake of demand-oriented and user-driven innovative and competitive supercomputing system based on a supply chain that will ensure components, technologies and knowledge limiting the risk of disruptions and the development of a wide range of applications optimised for these systems;
  • widen the use of that supercomputing infrastructure to a large number of public and private users and support the development of key HPC skills for European science and industry.


The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is composed of public and private members:

Public members:

  • the European Union (represented by the Commission),
  • Member States and Associated Countries that have chosen to become members of the Joint Undertaking: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.

Private members:


The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is jointly funded by its members with a budget of around EUR 7 billion for the period 2021-2027.

Most of this funding comes from the current EU long-term budget, the Multiannual Financial FrameworkSearch for available translations of the preceding link (MFF 2021-2027) with a contribution of EUR 3 billion, distributed as follows:

The EU contribution is matched by a similar amount from the participating countries. Additionally, private members are contributing an amount of EUR 900 million.

The Joint Undertaking provides financial support in the form of procurement or research and innovation grants to participants following open and competitive calls.

Benefits of supercomputing

Supercomputing is a critical tool for understanding and responding to complex challenges and transforming them into innovation opportunities.

Benefits for citizens

Supercomputing is starting to play a key role in medicine: for discovering new drugs, developing and targeting medical therapies for the individual needs and conditions of patients experiencing cancer, cardiovascular or Alzheimer’s diseases and rare genetic disorders. Today, supercomputers are actively involved in the quest for treatments for COVID-19 by testing drug candidate molecules or repositioning existing drugs for new diseases. Supercomputing is also crucial to understand the generation and evolution of epidemics and diseases.

Supercomputing is of critical importance to anticipate severe weather conditions: it can provide accurate simulations predicting the evolution of weather patterns, as well as the size and paths of storms and floods. This is key to activate early warning systems to save human lives and reduce damages to our properties and public infrastructures.

Supercomputers are also key to monitor the effects of the climate change. They do so by improving our knowledge of geophysical processes, monitoring earth resource evolution, reducing the environmental footprint of industry and society or supporting sustainable agriculture trough numerical simulations of plant growth.

Supercomputers are also vital for national security, defence and sovereignty, as they are used to increase cybersecurity and in the fight against cyber-criminality, in particular for the protection of critical infrastructures.

Benefits for industry

Supercomputing enables industrial sectors like automotive, aerospace, renewable energy and health to innovate, become more productive and to scale up to higher value products and services.

Supercomputing has a growing impact on industries and businesses by significantly reducing product design and production cycles, accelerating the design of new materials, minimising costs, increasing resource efficiency and shortening and optimising decision processes.

It paves the way to novel industrial applications: from safer and greener vehicles to more efficient photovoltaics, sustainable buildings and optimised turbines for electricity production.

In particular, the use of supercomputing over the cloud will make it easier for SMEs without the financial means to invest in in-house skills to develop and produce better products and services.

Benefits for science

Supercomputing is at the heart of the digital transformation of science. It enables deeper scientific understanding and breakthroughs in nearly every scientific field.

The applications of supercomputing in science are countless: from fundamental physics (advancing the frontiers of knowledge of matter or exploring the universe) to material sciences (designing new critical components for the pharmaceutical or energy sectors) and earth science (modelling the atmospheric and oceanic phenomena at planetary level).

Many recent breakthroughs would not have been possible without access to the most advanced supercomputers. For example for the Chemistry Nobel Prize winners in 2013, supercomputers were used to develop powerful computing programs and software, to understand and predict complex chemical processes or for the Physics Nobel Prize in 2017 supercomputers helped to make complex calculations to detect hitherto theoretical gravitational waves.


Eviden France

Eviden is an Atos business that brings together its digital, big data and security business lines. It will be a global leader in data-driven, trusted and sustainable digital transformation. A next-generation digital business, Eviden stems from worldwide leading positions in digital, cloud, data, advanced computing and security.

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany

Objectives and Tasks

Education and research are the foundations for our future. The promotion of education, science and research by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research represents an important contribution to securing our country’s prosperity.

We promote education and research for they are the foundations on which we will build our future in a changing world. Education provides the basis for leading an autonomous, responsible and participatory life within industry and society. Education provides our children with the tools they need to meet the challenges of a changing and increasingly globalized world. Research helps us to discover the new and improve on the known. Thanks to excellent research we are finding solutions to global problems and devising strategies for sustainable growth. Research creates previously unknown opportunities in all domains of life, and it keeps our products and services innovative and competitive.

Our responsibility in the area of education addresses every stage of human life, beginning with early childhood learning through to continuing education and lifelong learning. Whereas school and university education are mainly in the remit of the Länder, the Federal Government also plays a significant role – for example by means of the Higher Education Pact, through award of scholarships, or through the Alliance for Education. We share responsibility with the Länder in the fields of non-school vocational training, training assistance and continuing education. One of our priority concerns is the establishment of social equality in education to ensure that a person’s background no longer determines his or her chances to get an education and that no talent is wasted. International exchange in education and science is also one of our responsibilities.

Research excellence is a must in a country whose prosperity is built on the innovative strength of its industry. The aim of the High-Tech Strategy is to make Germany a leader in providing scientific and technical solutions to the challenges in the fields of climate/energy, health/nutrition, mobility, security, and communication. Innovative technologies and services create new jobs, and thus every generation will have its chance to develop its potential. The Excellence Initiative and the Pact for Research and Innovation are injecting new life into the research community and promote young research talent.

Education and research are a Federal Government policy priority, which is reflected in the development of the funding it is making available to these fields.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Barcelona Supercomputing Center Spain

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) was established in 2005 and is the Spanish national supercomputing facility and a hosting member of the PRACE distributed supercomputing infrastructure. The Center houses MareNostrum, one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe. The mission of BSC is to research, develop and manage information technologies in order to facilitate scientific progress. BSC was a pioneer in combining HPC service provision, and R&D into both computer and computational science (life, earth and engineering sciences) under one roof. The centre fosters multidisciplinary scientific collaboration and innovation and currently has over 500 staff from 41 countries. In 2011, BSC was one of only eight Spanish research centres recognized by the national government as a “Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence”.

BSC has collaborated with industry since its creation, and has participated in projects with companies such as ARM, Bull and Airbus as well as numerous SMEs. BSC also participates in various bilateral joint research centres with companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Lenovo, NVIDIA and Spanish oil company Repsol. The center has been extremely active in the EC Framework Programmes and has participated in over one hundred and sixty projects funded by them. BSC is a founding member of HiPEAC, the ETP4HPC and participates in the most relevant international road mapping and discussion forums and has strong links to Latin America. Education and Training is a priority for the centre and many of BSCs researchers are also university lecturers. BSC offers courses as a PRACE Advanced Training Centre, and through the Spanish national supercomputing network, among others.

The Computer Sciences Department focuses on building upon currently available hardware and software technologies and adapting these technologies to make efficient use of supercomputing infrastructures. The department proposes novel architectures for processors and memory hierarchy and develops programming models and innovative implementation approaches for these models as well as tools for performance analysis and prediction.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Portugal

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia is the Portuguese public agency that supports science, technology and innovation, in all scientific domains, under responsibility of the Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education. FCT was founded in 1997, succeeding the Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica (JNICT). Since March 2012, FCT has coordinated public policies for the Information and Knowledge Society in Portugal, after the integration of the Knowledge Society Agency-UMIC. In October 2013, FCT took over the attributions and responsibilities of the Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional (FCCN), [Foundation for National Scientific Computation].

FCT’s vision is:
  • To establish Portugal as a global reference in science, technology and innovation;
  • To ensure that knowledge generated by scientific research is used fully for economic growth and the well-being of all citizens.

FCT’s mission is to continuously promote the advancement of knowledge in science and technology in Portugal, attain the highest international standards in quality and competitiveness, in all scientific and technological domains, and encourage its dissemination and contribution to society and to economic growth.

FCT pursues its mission through the attribution, in competitive calls with peer review, of fellowships, studentships and research contracts for scientists, research projects, competitive research centres and state-of-the-art infrastructures. FCT ensures Portugal’s participation in international scientific organisations, fosters the participation of the scientific community in international projects and promotes knowledge transfer between R&D centres and industry. Working closely with international organisations, FCT coordinates public policy for the Information and Knowledge Society in Portugal and ensures the development of national scientific computing resources.

The results of FCT accomplishments are, in essence, the outcome of the work carried out by individual scientists, research groups and institutions that are funded by FCT.


The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is a legal and funding entity, created in 2018 and located in Luxembourg to lead the way in European supercomputing.

The EuroHPC JU allows the European Union and the EuroHPC JU participating countries to coordinate their efforts and pool their resources to make Europe a world leader in supercomputing. This boosts Europe’s scientific excellence and industrial strength, support the digital transformation of its economy while ensuring its technological sovereignty.

The EuroHPC JU has been created in 2018 and recently reviewed by means of Council Regulation (EU) 2021/1173.


The EuroHPC JU aims to:

  • develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the EU a world-leading federated, secure and hyper-connected supercomputing, quantum computing, service and data infrastructure ecosystem;
  • support the development and uptake of demand-oriented and user-driven innovative and competitive supercomputing system based on a supply chain that will ensure components, technologies and knowledge limiting the risk of disruptions and the development of a wide range of applications optimised for these systems;
  • widen the use of that supercomputing infrastructure to a large number of public and private users and support the development of key HPC skills for European science and industry.


The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is composed of public and private members:

Public members:

  • the European Union (represented by the Commission),
  • Member States and Associated Countries that have chosen to become members of the Joint Undertaking: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.

Private members:


The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is jointly funded by its members with a budget of around EUR 7 billion for the period 2021-2027.

Most of this funding comes from the current EU long-term budget, the Multiannual Financial FrameworkSearch for available translations of the preceding link (MFF 2021-2027) with a contribution of EUR 3 billion, distributed as follows:

The EU contribution is matched by a similar amount from the participating countries. Additionally, private members are contributing an amount of EUR 900 million.

The Joint Undertaking provides financial support in the form of procurement or research and innovation grants to participants following open and competitive calls.

Benefits of supercomputing

Supercomputing is a critical tool for understanding and responding to complex challenges and transforming them into innovation opportunities.

Benefits for citizens

Supercomputing is starting to play a key role in medicine: for discovering new drugs, developing and targeting medical therapies for the individual needs and conditions of patients experiencing cancer, cardiovascular or Alzheimer’s diseases and rare genetic disorders. Today, supercomputers are actively involved in the quest for treatments for COVID-19 by testing drug candidate molecules or repositioning existing drugs for new diseases. Supercomputing is also crucial to understand the generation and evolution of epidemics and diseases.

Supercomputing is of critical importance to anticipate severe weather conditions: it can provide accurate simulations predicting the evolution of weather patterns, as well as the size and paths of storms and floods. This is key to activate early warning systems to save human lives and reduce damages to our properties and public infrastructures.

Supercomputers are also key to monitor the effects of the climate change. They do so by improving our knowledge of geophysical processes, monitoring earth resource evolution, reducing the environmental footprint of industry and society or supporting sustainable agriculture trough numerical simulations of plant growth.

Supercomputers are also vital for national security, defence and sovereignty, as they are used to increase cybersecurity and in the fight against cyber-criminality, in particular for the protection of critical infrastructures.

Benefits for industry

Supercomputing enables industrial sectors like automotive, aerospace, renewable energy and health to innovate, become more productive and to scale up to higher value products and services.

Supercomputing has a growing impact on industries and businesses by significantly reducing product design and production cycles, accelerating the design of new materials, minimising costs, increasing resource efficiency and shortening and optimising decision processes.

It paves the way to novel industrial applications: from safer and greener vehicles to more efficient photovoltaics, sustainable buildings and optimised turbines for electricity production.

In particular, the use of supercomputing over the cloud will make it easier for SMEs without the financial means to invest in in-house skills to develop and produce better products and services.

Benefits for science

Supercomputing is at the heart of the digital transformation of science. It enables deeper scientific understanding and breakthroughs in nearly every scientific field.

The applications of supercomputing in science are countless: from fundamental physics (advancing the frontiers of knowledge of matter or exploring the universe) to material sciences (designing new critical components for the pharmaceutical or energy sectors) and earth science (modelling the atmospheric and oceanic phenomena at planetary level).

Many recent breakthroughs would not have been possible without access to the most advanced supercomputers. For example for the Chemistry Nobel Prize winners in 2013, supercomputers were used to develop powerful computing programs and software, to understand and predict complex chemical processes or for the Physics Nobel Prize in 2017 supercomputers helped to make complex calculations to detect hitherto theoretical gravitational waves.


Eviden France

Eviden is an Atos business that brings together its digital, big data and security business lines. It will be a global leader in data-driven, trusted and sustainable digital transformation. A next-generation digital business, Eviden stems from worldwide leading positions in digital, cloud, data, advanced computing and security.

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany

Objectives and Tasks

Education and research are the foundations for our future. The promotion of education, science and research by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research represents an important contribution to securing our country’s prosperity.

We promote education and research for they are the foundations on which we will build our future in a changing world. Education provides the basis for leading an autonomous, responsible and participatory life within industry and society. Education provides our children with the tools they need to meet the challenges of a changing and increasingly globalized world. Research helps us to discover the new and improve on the known. Thanks to excellent research we are finding solutions to global problems and devising strategies for sustainable growth. Research creates previously unknown opportunities in all domains of life, and it keeps our products and services innovative and competitive.

Our responsibility in the area of education addresses every stage of human life, beginning with early childhood learning through to continuing education and lifelong learning. Whereas school and university education are mainly in the remit of the Länder, the Federal Government also plays a significant role – for example by means of the Higher Education Pact, through award of scholarships, or through the Alliance for Education. We share responsibility with the Länder in the fields of non-school vocational training, training assistance and continuing education. One of our priority concerns is the establishment of social equality in education to ensure that a person’s background no longer determines his or her chances to get an education and that no talent is wasted. International exchange in education and science is also one of our responsibilities.

Research excellence is a must in a country whose prosperity is built on the innovative strength of its industry. The aim of the High-Tech Strategy is to make Germany a leader in providing scientific and technical solutions to the challenges in the fields of climate/energy, health/nutrition, mobility, security, and communication. Innovative technologies and services create new jobs, and thus every generation will have its chance to develop its potential. The Excellence Initiative and the Pact for Research and Innovation are injecting new life into the research community and promote young research talent.

Education and research are a Federal Government policy priority, which is reflected in the development of the funding it is making available to these fields.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Barcelona Supercomputing Center Spain

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) was established in 2005 and is the Spanish national supercomputing facility and a hosting member of the PRACE distributed supercomputing infrastructure. The Center houses MareNostrum, one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe. The mission of BSC is to research, develop and manage information technologies in order to facilitate scientific progress. BSC was a pioneer in combining HPC service provision, and R&D into both computer and computational science (life, earth and engineering sciences) under one roof. The centre fosters multidisciplinary scientific collaboration and innovation and currently has over 500 staff from 41 countries. In 2011, BSC was one of only eight Spanish research centres recognized by the national government as a “Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence”.

BSC has collaborated with industry since its creation, and has participated in projects with companies such as ARM, Bull and Airbus as well as numerous SMEs. BSC also participates in various bilateral joint research centres with companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Lenovo, NVIDIA and Spanish oil company Repsol. The center has been extremely active in the EC Framework Programmes and has participated in over one hundred and sixty projects funded by them. BSC is a founding member of HiPEAC, the ETP4HPC and participates in the most relevant international road mapping and discussion forums and has strong links to Latin America. Education and Training is a priority for the centre and many of BSCs researchers are also university lecturers. BSC offers courses as a PRACE Advanced Training Centre, and through the Spanish national supercomputing network, among others.

The Computer Sciences Department focuses on building upon currently available hardware and software technologies and adapting these technologies to make efficient use of supercomputing infrastructures. The department proposes novel architectures for processors and memory hierarchy and develops programming models and innovative implementation approaches for these models as well as tools for performance analysis and prediction.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Portugal

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia is the Portuguese public agency that supports science, technology and innovation, in all scientific domains, under responsibility of the Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education. FCT was founded in 1997, succeeding the Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica (JNICT). Since March 2012, FCT has coordinated public policies for the Information and Knowledge Society in Portugal, after the integration of the Knowledge Society Agency-UMIC. In October 2013, FCT took over the attributions and responsibilities of the Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional (FCCN), [Foundation for National Scientific Computation].

FCT’s vision is:
  • To establish Portugal as a global reference in science, technology and innovation;
  • To ensure that knowledge generated by scientific research is used fully for economic growth and the well-being of all citizens.

FCT’s mission is to continuously promote the advancement of knowledge in science and technology in Portugal, attain the highest international standards in quality and competitiveness, in all scientific and technological domains, and encourage its dissemination and contribution to society and to economic growth.

FCT pursues its mission through the attribution, in competitive calls with peer review, of fellowships, studentships and research contracts for scientists, research projects, competitive research centres and state-of-the-art infrastructures. FCT ensures Portugal’s participation in international scientific organisations, fosters the participation of the scientific community in international projects and promotes knowledge transfer between R&D centres and industry. Working closely with international organisations, FCT coordinates public policy for the Information and Knowledge Society in Portugal and ensures the development of national scientific computing resources.

The results of FCT accomplishments are, in essence, the outcome of the work carried out by individual scientists, research groups and institutions that are funded by FCT.



Infineon Technologies AG is a world leader in semiconductors. Infineon offers products and system solutions addressing three central challenges to modern society: energy efficiency, mobility, and security. In the 2016 fiscal year (ending September 30), the company reported sales of Euro 6,473 billion with more than 36.000 employees worldwide.  The company´s product range includes power semiconductors, discrete semiconductors, silicon sensors and optoelectronic semiconductors as well as microcontrollers and Multi-Cores. Infineon is the No. 2 chip supplier to the automotive industry, No.1 supplier for power semiconductors and No.1 for smart card ICs too. Infineon has a strong manufacturing base in Germany, Europe and worldwide. Manufacturing sites in Germany comprise a 300mm manufacturing base in Dresden and a 200mm manufacturing site in Regensburg, both for logic products, microcontrollers and power semiconductors, and in addition in Warstein a production site for power electronics. The factory in Regensburg also contains a pilot production line for packaging.

Swedish Research Council

Swedish Research Council Sweden

The Swedish Research Council is a government agency within the Ministry of Education and Research. We fund research and research infrastructure in all scientific disciplines. We are also advisors to the Government on research policy issues and work to increase understanding of the long-term societal benefits of research.

Research funding

The Swedish Research Council is the largest public funding body for research at Swedish universities and higher education institutions. We fund research within all scientific disciplines by issuing calls for grant applications in open competition. Each year, the approximately 900 researchers who sit on our review panels deal with about 6 000 research applications. We award almost 8 billion SEK per year to fund Swedish research.

Analysis, evaluation and mapping

We have a mandate to advise the Government on research policy issues. We analyse and monitor the research system and the terms and conditions of research, and give advice on future research policy. We also work in various ways to stimulate international research collaboration – at national level, at public authority level, and for the individual researcher.

Funding of research infrastructure

In order to provide Swedish research with the best possible prerequisites, we fund research infrastructure, both in Sweden and abroad. Research infrastructures are advanced tools that researchers may need in order to carry out their research. Examples include databases, research facilities, biobanks and large-scale computational tools. The funding is always based on the needs of Swedish research.

Science communication

We have a national responsibility to coordinate communication about research and research results and to fund activities and collaborative projects in the area. We take a long-term approach to ensure the research will benefit society, and participate in national and international networks. We also manage some national digital services, for example the news website Forskning.seExternal link. and the “Expert Answer” service for journalists, ExpertsvarExternal link..

Semidynamics Technology Services S.L.

Semidynamics Technology Services S.L.                                 Spain

Founded in 2016, SemiDynamics is a Fabless semiconductor company specialized in microprocessor architecture and design, interconnection networks and memory controllers, with a special focus on low power operation and high-performance pipelining. SemiDynamics is currently developing a high-performance microprocessor for the 7nm technology node. The company is self-funded through external commercial contracts. The development team at SemiDynamics has many years of microprocessor and ASIC development with many industry veterans that have successfully taped-out chips in many different technologies. SemiDynamics has extensive experience in vector unit design, high-speed cache design, coherency protocols, machine learning specialized instructions, high bandwidth memory controllers. Further, SemiDynamics has capabilities in both front-end and back-end design, covering the design cycle from architecture, through RTL implementation, verification, synthesis and place&route.

CEA - Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives

CEA - Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives  France

CEA is a French Research and Technology Organisation, with more than 16 000 staff members, focusing on low-carbon energies, defense and global security, information technologies and health technologies, as well as fundamental research. CEA is a major player all along the advanced computing and HPC value chain, from technologies to usages.

Computing technologies:

CEA Tech, CEA LETI, CEA LIST divisions are active in the development of silicon technology, architecture of processors, system integration, cyberphysical systems, artificial intelligence hardware and software; CEA/DAM, CEA/DRF, CEA/DEN divisions are active in HPC system integration, software environments, co-design of supercomputers, programming tools and algorithms for supercomputing – including parallel file systems and massive storage, numerical algorithms, meshing and visualisation.

Supercomputing infrastructures:

CEA operates world-class computing resources and services for research (TGCC), industry (CCRT), defence (TERA), which are all three petascale facilities, and participates in R&D in HPC and in co-design of supercomputers with leading technology providers.

Supercomputing applications:

CEA divisions make intensive usage of HPC in a wide diversity of areas corresponding to its aforementioned missions. CEA has co-funded Maison de la Simulation with CNRS, INRIA and two Paris region universities, a joint research lab in numerical simulation and HPC. CEA has established many strong international cooperations in advanced computing; the most salient are with Intel (Exascale; core technologies), Bull-Atos (co-design of supercomputers), Japan/RIKEN, US/DOE, Germany/Helmholtz.

Agencia Estatal de Investigación - AEI

Agencia Estatal de Investigación - AEI Spain

The mission of the AEI is to promote scientific and technical research in all areas of knowledge through the efficient allocation of public resources, the promotion of excellence, the promotion of collaboration between the agents of the System and support for the generation of knowledge of high scientific and technical, economic and social impact, including those aimed at solving the great challenges of society, and the monitoring of financed activities as well as the necessary advice to improve the design and planning of actions or initiatives to through which the R+D policies of the General State Administration are implemented.

The vision of the AEI is to contribute to the people and institutions that are dedicated to research in Spain reach their potential and that research is a key driver of the development of society.

According to its Statute, the functions of the AEI are:

  1. The management of the programs, instruments and actions that are awarded within the framework of the State Plans for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, any other that is expressly assigned by the General State Administration or those derived from collaboration agreements entered into with other entities or other actions, through the objective and impartial allocation of available resources.
  2. The organization and management of the ex ante and ex post scientific-technical evaluation of proposals, actions or initiatives, when appropriate, use evaluation criteria based on internationally recognized scientific and technical merits, as well as those criteria established by the corresponding calls.
  3. The verification, monitoring and subsequent evaluation of the activities financed by the Agency and their scientific, technical and socio-economic impact, as well as the control of the justification of compliance with the conditions and objectives of the aid received.
  4. Communication and dissemination of the results of the evaluations carried out.
  5. The monitoring of the management, financing, justification and results of all actions that are directly executed by the Agency, as well as the advice on them.
  6. Participation in national and international meetings and forums related to matters pertaining to their object and purposes, and representation in R+D+I policy forums when so determined by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The Agency’s actions in international forums will take place in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation when it is determined necessary.
  7. The dissemination and communication of the results of its activities and the results of the research financed by the Agency.
  8. The management of actions aimed at promoting collaboration, exchange, circulation, dissemination and exploitation of scientific and technical knowledge among the agents of the System.
  9. Carrying out activities or rendering services entrusted to it by the General State Administration or, by virtue of contracts, agreements and, in general, legal affairs, by other entities.
  10. The management of R+D actions financed with European funds and those resulting from Spanish participation in international programs.
  11. The economic and budgetary management and the economic-financial control of the instruments and actions that correspond to it.
  12. Any other function entrusted to it.

In accordance with its Statute, the Agency will observe the principles of general interest by which the actions of public administrations must be governed. In the exercise of its specific functions, it will also be governed by the following basic principles:

  1. Autonomy, understood as the ability of the Agency to manage, under the terms provided in this Statute, the means made available to it to achieve the committed objectives.
  2. Technical independence, based on the training, specialization, professionalism and individual responsibility of the personnel at the service of the Agency who must observe the applicable values ​​of competence, professional ethics and public responsibility.
  3. Objectivity in the evaluation of the scientific, technical and innovative merit in all its actions, which will be carried out using previously established criteria, known to all and based on international and commonly accepted standards, such as evaluation by national and international peers or by panels of renowned scientists and technologists.
  4. Transparency in all administrative activities and compliance with the obligations of good governance by the public officials of the Agency, as well as the rendering of accounts and commitments to present accurate and complete information on all the results and procedures used in management.
  5. Efficiency in its performance, putting all the means to carry out the object and purpose defined in this Statute.
  6. Efficiency in the allocation and use of public resources and continuous evaluation of the quality of management processes and action procedures, which will be carried out in accordance with the criteria of legality, speed, simplification and electronic accessibility and without prejudice to the necessary rigor.
  7. Inter-institutional cooperation, understood as the principle that seeks synergies in collaboration with other Administrations, agents and institutions, public or private, national and international for the promotion of knowledge in all its areas.
  8. Gender equality, promoting the gender perspective and a balanced composition of women and men in its bodies, councils and committees and activities in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for equality effective number of women and men, and the thirteenth additional provision of Law 14/2011, of June 1.



Infineon Technologies AG is a world leader in semiconductors. Infineon offers products and system solutions addressing three central challenges to modern society: energy efficiency, mobility, and security. In the 2016 fiscal year (ending September 30), the company reported sales of Euro 6,473 billion with more than 36.000 employees worldwide.  The company´s product range includes power semiconductors, discrete semiconductors, silicon sensors and optoelectronic semiconductors as well as microcontrollers and Multi-Cores. Infineon is the No. 2 chip supplier to the automotive industry, No.1 supplier for power semiconductors and No.1 for smart card ICs too. Infineon has a strong manufacturing base in Germany, Europe and worldwide. Manufacturing sites in Germany comprise a 300mm manufacturing base in Dresden and a 200mm manufacturing site in Regensburg, both for logic products, microcontrollers and power semiconductors, and in addition in Warstein a production site for power electronics. The factory in Regensburg also contains a pilot production line for packaging.

Swedish Research Council

Swedish Research Council Sweden

The Swedish Research Council is a government agency within the Ministry of Education and Research. We fund research and research infrastructure in all scientific disciplines. We are also advisors to the Government on research policy issues and work to increase understanding of the long-term societal benefits of research.

Research funding

The Swedish Research Council is the largest public funding body for research at Swedish universities and higher education institutions. We fund research within all scientific disciplines by issuing calls for grant applications in open competition. Each year, the approximately 900 researchers who sit on our review panels deal with about 6 000 research applications. We award almost 8 billion SEK per year to fund Swedish research.

Analysis, evaluation and mapping

We have a mandate to advise the Government on research policy issues. We analyse and monitor the research system and the terms and conditions of research, and give advice on future research policy. We also work in various ways to stimulate international research collaboration – at national level, at public authority level, and for the individual researcher.

Funding of research infrastructure

In order to provide Swedish research with the best possible prerequisites, we fund research infrastructure, both in Sweden and abroad. Research infrastructures are advanced tools that researchers may need in order to carry out their research. Examples include databases, research facilities, biobanks and large-scale computational tools. The funding is always based on the needs of Swedish research.

Science communication

We have a national responsibility to coordinate communication about research and research results and to fund activities and collaborative projects in the area. We take a long-term approach to ensure the research will benefit society, and participate in national and international networks. We also manage some national digital services, for example the news website Forskning.seExternal link. and the “Expert Answer” service for journalists, ExpertsvarExternal link..

Semidynamics Technology Services S.L.

Semidynamics Technology Services S.L.                                 Spain

Founded in 2016, SemiDynamics is a Fabless semiconductor company specialized in microprocessor architecture and design, interconnection networks and memory controllers, with a special focus on low power operation and high-performance pipelining. SemiDynamics is currently developing a high-performance microprocessor for the 7nm technology node. The company is self-funded through external commercial contracts. The development team at SemiDynamics has many years of microprocessor and ASIC development with many industry veterans that have successfully taped-out chips in many different technologies. SemiDynamics has extensive experience in vector unit design, high-speed cache design, coherency protocols, machine learning specialized instructions, high bandwidth memory controllers. Further, SemiDynamics has capabilities in both front-end and back-end design, covering the design cycle from architecture, through RTL implementation, verification, synthesis and place&route.

CEA - Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives

CEA - Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives  France

CEA is a French Research and Technology Organisation, with more than 16 000 staff members, focusing on low-carbon energies, defense and global security, information technologies and health technologies, as well as fundamental research. CEA is a major player all along the advanced computing and HPC value chain, from technologies to usages.

Computing technologies:

CEA Tech, CEA LETI, CEA LIST divisions are active in the development of silicon technology, architecture of processors, system integration, cyberphysical systems, artificial intelligence hardware and software; CEA/DAM, CEA/DRF, CEA/DEN divisions are active in HPC system integration, software environments, co-design of supercomputers, programming tools and algorithms for supercomputing – including parallel file systems and massive storage, numerical algorithms, meshing and visualisation.

Supercomputing infrastructures:

CEA operates world-class computing resources and services for research (TGCC), industry (CCRT), defence (TERA), which are all three petascale facilities, and participates in R&D in HPC and in co-design of supercomputers with leading technology providers.

Supercomputing applications:

CEA divisions make intensive usage of HPC in a wide diversity of areas corresponding to its aforementioned missions. CEA has co-funded Maison de la Simulation with CNRS, INRIA and two Paris region universities, a joint research lab in numerical simulation and HPC. CEA has established many strong international cooperations in advanced computing; the most salient are with Intel (Exascale; core technologies), Bull-Atos (co-design of supercomputers), Japan/RIKEN, US/DOE, Germany/Helmholtz.

Agencia Estatal de Investigación - AEI

Agencia Estatal de Investigación - AEI Spain

The mission of the AEI is to promote scientific and technical research in all areas of knowledge through the efficient allocation of public resources, the promotion of excellence, the promotion of collaboration between the agents of the System and support for the generation of knowledge of high scientific and technical, economic and social impact, including those aimed at solving the great challenges of society, and the monitoring of financed activities as well as the necessary advice to improve the design and planning of actions or initiatives to through which the R+D policies of the General State Administration are implemented.

The vision of the AEI is to contribute to the people and institutions that are dedicated to research in Spain reach their potential and that research is a key driver of the development of society.

According to its Statute, the functions of the AEI are:

  1. The management of the programs, instruments and actions that are awarded within the framework of the State Plans for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, any other that is expressly assigned by the General State Administration or those derived from collaboration agreements entered into with other entities or other actions, through the objective and impartial allocation of available resources.
  2. The organization and management of the ex ante and ex post scientific-technical evaluation of proposals, actions or initiatives, when appropriate, use evaluation criteria based on internationally recognized scientific and technical merits, as well as those criteria established by the corresponding calls.
  3. The verification, monitoring and subsequent evaluation of the activities financed by the Agency and their scientific, technical and socio-economic impact, as well as the control of the justification of compliance with the conditions and objectives of the aid received.
  4. Communication and dissemination of the results of the evaluations carried out.
  5. The monitoring of the management, financing, justification and results of all actions that are directly executed by the Agency, as well as the advice on them.
  6. Participation in national and international meetings and forums related to matters pertaining to their object and purposes, and representation in R+D+I policy forums when so determined by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The Agency’s actions in international forums will take place in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation when it is determined necessary.
  7. The dissemination and communication of the results of its activities and the results of the research financed by the Agency.
  8. The management of actions aimed at promoting collaboration, exchange, circulation, dissemination and exploitation of scientific and technical knowledge among the agents of the System.
  9. Carrying out activities or rendering services entrusted to it by the General State Administration or, by virtue of contracts, agreements and, in general, legal affairs, by other entities.
  10. The management of R+D actions financed with European funds and those resulting from Spanish participation in international programs.
  11. The economic and budgetary management and the economic-financial control of the instruments and actions that correspond to it.
  12. Any other function entrusted to it.

In accordance with its Statute, the Agency will observe the principles of general interest by which the actions of public administrations must be governed. In the exercise of its specific functions, it will also be governed by the following basic principles:

  1. Autonomy, understood as the ability of the Agency to manage, under the terms provided in this Statute, the means made available to it to achieve the committed objectives.
  2. Technical independence, based on the training, specialization, professionalism and individual responsibility of the personnel at the service of the Agency who must observe the applicable values ​​of competence, professional ethics and public responsibility.
  3. Objectivity in the evaluation of the scientific, technical and innovative merit in all its actions, which will be carried out using previously established criteria, known to all and based on international and commonly accepted standards, such as evaluation by national and international peers or by panels of renowned scientists and technologists.
  4. Transparency in all administrative activities and compliance with the obligations of good governance by the public officials of the Agency, as well as the rendering of accounts and commitments to present accurate and complete information on all the results and procedures used in management.
  5. Efficiency in its performance, putting all the means to carry out the object and purpose defined in this Statute.
  6. Efficiency in the allocation and use of public resources and continuous evaluation of the quality of management processes and action procedures, which will be carried out in accordance with the criteria of legality, speed, simplification and electronic accessibility and without prejudice to the necessary rigor.
  7. Inter-institutional cooperation, understood as the principle that seeks synergies in collaboration with other Administrations, agents and institutions, public or private, national and international for the promotion of knowledge in all its areas.
  8. Gender equality, promoting the gender perspective and a balanced composition of women and men in its bodies, councils and committees and activities in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for equality effective number of women and men, and the thirteenth additional provision of Law 14/2011, of June 1.



Chalmers, a world-renowned technical university founded in 1829, has internationally recognized research in the areas of life sciences, materials science, information technology, micro- and nanotechnology, environmental sciences and energy with about 14000 people, including 2500 employees, carried out in 13 academic departments.  Chalmers has been involved in EU funded research projects since 1989 and is on a continuous basis involved in approximately 160 projects within different EU programmes, mainly the Framework Programmes. The annual EU funding (2016) for research is 23 M€. The Chalmers parts within FP7 have a contract value of 121 M€. Chalmers is the beneficiary in 270 projects in FP7, and the coordinator or single beneficiary of 52 of these contracts. Out of these contracts, Chalmers is the host for 17 ERC grants. As for Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions, Chalmers is the beneficiary in 31 MCA projects in FP7: 13 ITNs (coordinator for 2); 3 Intra-European Fellowships; 10 Career Integration Grants; 3 IRSES; 2 IAPPs. In Horizon 2020 Chalmers is participating in 93 projects with a contract value of 52 M€, whereof 5 ERC grants, 21 MSCA grants (10 ITNs) and 22 projects in the Transport challenge. Chalmers has participated in more than 700 Framework Programme projects and is the coordinator of 20 Horizon 2020 projects including the Graphene Flagship.

Chalmers’s involvement in this major initiative includes a prominent research division in The Computer Science and Engineering Department. This department is internationally strong in a wide range of areas critical for high-performance computing, including algorithms, formal methods, software engineering, programming languages, distributed systems, security, dependable computing, computer architecture, and VLSI design. It engages more than 150 research faculty members and PhD students.  Chalmers also brings expertise in business innovation through several other academic constellations including Chalmers Center for Business Innovation, Chalmers Ventures and the School of Entrepreneurship.   Chalmers will be involved in the proposal through the Division of Computer Engineering under the leadership of our prominent research leader in computer architecture, Professor Per Stenstrom. This division engages about 30 researchers and PhD students in computer architecture and VLSI design.

Ministry of Science and Education - Republic of Croatia

Ministry of Science and Education - Republic of Croatia Croatia

The Ministry of Science and Education performs administrative and other tasks related to preschool education, elementary and secondary education in the country and abroad; develops the National Curriculum; approves textbooks and introduces regulations and standards as well as other requirements regarding educational work; fosters the development of the school system; works on improving the student standard; conducts inspections; establishes educational institutions and supervises the legal aspects of their activities; provides funding and facilities for educational work; enables children, young adults and adults to acquire technical skills and competences; supports organizations invested in education.

The Ministry also performs administrative and other tasks related to: the development of higher education; the implementation of national strategies and higher education programmes; the provision of funding and facilities for higher education institutions and monitoring their activities; the preparation of reports on the activities and evaluation of higher education institutions and study programmes, and their recommendation for approval; the subsidization of study costs; the improvement of the student standard; monitoring success rates of study programmes and other higher education processes; administering the implementation of the Croatian Qualifications Framework; administering the Registry of Higher Education Institutions and the Registry of Study Programmes; managing databases on higher education; fostering lifelong learning and higher education for adults; the administrative supervision of higher education institutions.

The Ministry performs administrative and other tasks related to: the development of the science, technology and innovation system; the development of research and other institutions; the application of scientific achievements in certain fields; the harmonization of funding programmes with research projects; development and monitoring of intellectual property management policy by means of harmonizing national legislation on intellectual property rights with the acquis communautaire, and the development of strategic measures for improving the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in order to foster technology transfer from research organizations to the business sector and society; fostering continuous technological development in the Republic of Croatia; administering the Registry of Researchers and Research Organizations; monitoring and establishing scientific, professional and technological cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations according to international agreements; enhancing the mobility of Croatian and foreign researchers; scholarships, specialization and practical training of domestic and foreign researchers based on international, government, business and other agreements; the administrative supervision of research organizations.

The Ministry participates in the development of programmes and projects, and the implementation of the EU-funded projects as well as projects funded from other international sources.

The Ministry cooperates with the ministry competent for management of state property in all affairs regarding management and disposal of shares and interests in state-owned companies, as well as companies which are primarily engaged in activities within the jurisdiction of this Ministry.

The Ministry performs tasks related to the participation of the Republic of Croatia in the activities of European Union bodies and other international bodies pertaining to its competence.

The Ministry also performs other tasks placed within its competence under a separate law.

Eidgenössiche Technische Hochschule Zürich

Eidgenössiche Technische Hochschule Zürich Switzerland

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürich) has currently 19,800 students from over 120 countries, including 4,000 doctoral students. More than 500 professors currently teach and conduct research in engineering, architecture, mathematics, natural sciences, system-oriented sciences, and management and social sciences. ETH Zürich regularly appears at the top of international rankings as one of the best universities in the world (top 10 in QS and THE rankings, top 20 in ARWU rankings and first university in a non-English speaking country for all these rankings). Twenty-one Nobel Laureates have studied, taught or conducted research at ETH Zürich. ETH Zürich is organised in 16 departments out of which the Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET) and the Computer Science (D-INFK) will be directly involved in this project.  Both departments are ranked in the top 10 worldwide.

The Integrated Systems Laboratory (IIS) of D-ITET focuses on the design of energy-efficient, high-performance integrated circuits for computing systems covering a wide range of applications from embedded systems in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain to high performance computing systems. The IIS employs more than 100 researchers and it has 30 years of experience in the design and test of efficient computing systems based on different targets including latest integrated circuit (IC) technologies. More than 440 ICs were designed and tested at the IIS (see  IIS has established strategic agreements with major semiconductor companies, such as STMicroelectronics and Globalfoundries for direct access to the most advanced digital IC technologies.  The IIS has received direct funding from major companies in the computing field, such as Intel, Samsung, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, NXP, STmicroelectronics. The IIS has recently established itself as one of the leaders in the open hardware development, and is a founding member of the RISC-V foundation, maintains strong connections to the FOSSI (Free and Open Source Silicon) foundation. Its flagship project, the parallel ultra-low power platform (PULP) is a co-development of IIS and the University of Bologna and allows researchers access to a state-of-the-art processor cores based on the open RISC-V ISA for advanced computing ad application acceleration.

The Scalable Parallel Computing Laboratory (SPCL) of the D-INFK performs research in all areas of scalable computing under the leadership of Prof. Hoefler. The research areas include scalable high-performance networks and protocols, middleware, operating system and runtime systems, parallel programming languages, support, and constructs, storage, and scalable data access.  The SPCL group has several active research projects, many in collaboration with industry, other academic institutions, and high-performance computing centres world-wide.

The Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS) is a unit of ETH Zürich that operates extreme-scale computing and data services as an openly accessible research infrastructure (RI). The RI is available to all researchers in Europe through a transparent peer review process. CSCS currently operates the largest Tier-0 system in PRACE, which, at the time of this writing (September 2017), is the fastest supercomputer outside of China. The centre also operates the operational weather forecasting system for MeteoSwiss and has developed considerable experience in co-designing energy efficient computing systems for weather and climate simulations. As a result of this work, CSCS was the first site that put a GPU-based system into operation for weather forecasting in fall 2015. CSCS is one of the first adopters of hybrid, accelerated systems and has several years of operational experience with this class of supercomputing systems.

France 2030

France 2030 France
France 2030 is the response to the great challenges of our time , whether they are ecological, demographic, economic, technological, industrial or social challenges. And, at the heart of this ambitious plan initiated by the State is innovation.
In a constantly changing world, France 2030 now offers exceptional means of adapting and anticipating the major contemporary revolutions that are at work.
The investments are commensurate with the challenges: 54 billion euros to build the France of tomorrow by accelerating transitions, guaranteeing its independence (materials, components, energy, health, food), mastering digital technologies, supporting talents and financing the growth of start-ups and innovative companies.

Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas

Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas Greece

FORTH is a major research centre in Greece; it has 1400 people, it has excelled in all national evaluations so far, and it is internationally acknowledged for its excellence in basic and applied research, in developing applications and products, and in providing services. The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of FORTH, with its 35-year history, has 450 people in 8 Laboratories. Contributions to this project will come from the Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems (CARV) Laboratory of FORTH-ICS, with its 80 people and its 32-year history that includes the design, implementation, and test of dozens of innovative FPGA, ASIC, board, and System Software prototypes; this expertise recently attracted a major R&D Lab of KALEAO Ltd. ( to the Science & Technology Park of Crete, bringing close collaboration between FORTH and this highly innovative start-up company.

In Processor Design, Prof. Manolis Katevenis has made central contributions in RISC architectures for VLSI, 36 years ago. Subsequently, at FORTH, his team has made pioneering contributions to Scalable Architectures: in the Telegraphos project (1993-95), workstation clustering prototypes were designed and built, including processor-network interfaces for protected, user-level zero-copy, communication and remote-queue based synchronization.  In Interconnection Networks, FORTH pioneered, since 1986, per-flow backpressure and congestion tolerance, weighted round-robin scheduling and fair queuing, and more. In High Performance Computing, within the ExaNeSt FETHPC project that it coordinates, and in cooperation with the EuroEXA and ExaNoDe projects to which it participates, FORTH is building an ARMv8 prototype with UNIMEM global address space, hundreds of nodes, an innovative interconnect, and a novel storage architecture.  Since 2013, FORTH makes also key contributions in the area of dense, low-power ARM servers (EuroServer project).

In Parallel Programming and Systems Software, FORTH has built a set of parallelizing compilers and static analyses targeting task-parallel programming models (OmpSs, Cilk, Myrmics, etc.), execution engines for task-parallel and streaming/dataflow computations on a wide set of hardware architectures (x86, Xeon Phi, SCC, Cell BE, FPGAs, etc.), NUMA and DSM memory allocators, and a Java virtual machine for the Formic 512-core distributed-memory processor. In Storage and I/O systems, FORTH-ICS has worked on SSD caching, storage controller efficiency, scalability of the I/O path in modern servers, performance isolation in scalable multicore servers, distributed tier-0 storage for fast storage devices, and efficient higher-level abstractions for storage access. Part of this work in CARV has been recently successfully commercialized, through a large international company. FORTH is actively collaborating with Industry on real systems and products due to its expertise and track record on addressing problems in real systems.



Chalmers, a world-renowned technical university founded in 1829, has internationally recognized research in the areas of life sciences, materials science, information technology, micro- and nanotechnology, environmental sciences and energy with about 14000 people, including 2500 employees, carried out in 13 academic departments.  Chalmers has been involved in EU funded research projects since 1989 and is on a continuous basis involved in approximately 160 projects within different EU programmes, mainly the Framework Programmes. The annual EU funding (2016) for research is 23 M€. The Chalmers parts within FP7 have a contract value of 121 M€. Chalmers is the beneficiary in 270 projects in FP7, and the coordinator or single beneficiary of 52 of these contracts. Out of these contracts, Chalmers is the host for 17 ERC grants. As for Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions, Chalmers is the beneficiary in 31 MCA projects in FP7: 13 ITNs (coordinator for 2); 3 Intra-European Fellowships; 10 Career Integration Grants; 3 IRSES; 2 IAPPs. In Horizon 2020 Chalmers is participating in 93 projects with a contract value of 52 M€, whereof 5 ERC grants, 21 MSCA grants (10 ITNs) and 22 projects in the Transport challenge. Chalmers has participated in more than 700 Framework Programme projects and is the coordinator of 20 Horizon 2020 projects including the Graphene Flagship.

Chalmers’s involvement in this major initiative includes a prominent research division in The Computer Science and Engineering Department. This department is internationally strong in a wide range of areas critical for high-performance computing, including algorithms, formal methods, software engineering, programming languages, distributed systems, security, dependable computing, computer architecture, and VLSI design. It engages more than 150 research faculty members and PhD students.  Chalmers also brings expertise in business innovation through several other academic constellations including Chalmers Center for Business Innovation, Chalmers Ventures and the School of Entrepreneurship.   Chalmers will be involved in the proposal through the Division of Computer Engineering under the leadership of our prominent research leader in computer architecture, Professor Per Stenstrom. This division engages about 30 researchers and PhD students in computer architecture and VLSI design.

Ministry of Science and Education - Republic of Croatia

Ministry of Science and Education - Republic of Croatia Croatia

The Ministry of Science and Education performs administrative and other tasks related to preschool education, elementary and secondary education in the country and abroad; develops the National Curriculum; approves textbooks and introduces regulations and standards as well as other requirements regarding educational work; fosters the development of the school system; works on improving the student standard; conducts inspections; establishes educational institutions and supervises the legal aspects of their activities; provides funding and facilities for educational work; enables children, young adults and adults to acquire technical skills and competences; supports organizations invested in education.

The Ministry also performs administrative and other tasks related to: the development of higher education; the implementation of national strategies and higher education programmes; the provision of funding and facilities for higher education institutions and monitoring their activities; the preparation of reports on the activities and evaluation of higher education institutions and study programmes, and their recommendation for approval; the subsidization of study costs; the improvement of the student standard; monitoring success rates of study programmes and other higher education processes; administering the implementation of the Croatian Qualifications Framework; administering the Registry of Higher Education Institutions and the Registry of Study Programmes; managing databases on higher education; fostering lifelong learning and higher education for adults; the administrative supervision of higher education institutions.

The Ministry performs administrative and other tasks related to: the development of the science, technology and innovation system; the development of research and other institutions; the application of scientific achievements in certain fields; the harmonization of funding programmes with research projects; development and monitoring of intellectual property management policy by means of harmonizing national legislation on intellectual property rights with the acquis communautaire, and the development of strategic measures for improving the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in order to foster technology transfer from research organizations to the business sector and society; fostering continuous technological development in the Republic of Croatia; administering the Registry of Researchers and Research Organizations; monitoring and establishing scientific, professional and technological cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations according to international agreements; enhancing the mobility of Croatian and foreign researchers; scholarships, specialization and practical training of domestic and foreign researchers based on international, government, business and other agreements; the administrative supervision of research organizations.

The Ministry participates in the development of programmes and projects, and the implementation of the EU-funded projects as well as projects funded from other international sources.

The Ministry cooperates with the ministry competent for management of state property in all affairs regarding management and disposal of shares and interests in state-owned companies, as well as companies which are primarily engaged in activities within the jurisdiction of this Ministry.

The Ministry performs tasks related to the participation of the Republic of Croatia in the activities of European Union bodies and other international bodies pertaining to its competence.

The Ministry also performs other tasks placed within its competence under a separate law.

Eidgenössiche Technische Hochschule Zürich

Eidgenössiche Technische Hochschule Zürich Switzerland

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürich) has currently 19,800 students from over 120 countries, including 4,000 doctoral students. More than 500 professors currently teach and conduct research in engineering, architecture, mathematics, natural sciences, system-oriented sciences, and management and social sciences. ETH Zürich regularly appears at the top of international rankings as one of the best universities in the world (top 10 in QS and THE rankings, top 20 in ARWU rankings and first university in a non-English speaking country for all these rankings). Twenty-one Nobel Laureates have studied, taught or conducted research at ETH Zürich. ETH Zürich is organised in 16 departments out of which the Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET) and the Computer Science (D-INFK) will be directly involved in this project.  Both departments are ranked in the top 10 worldwide.

The Integrated Systems Laboratory (IIS) of D-ITET focuses on the design of energy-efficient, high-performance integrated circuits for computing systems covering a wide range of applications from embedded systems in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain to high performance computing systems. The IIS employs more than 100 researchers and it has 30 years of experience in the design and test of efficient computing systems based on different targets including latest integrated circuit (IC) technologies. More than 440 ICs were designed and tested at the IIS (see  IIS has established strategic agreements with major semiconductor companies, such as STMicroelectronics and Globalfoundries for direct access to the most advanced digital IC technologies.  The IIS has received direct funding from major companies in the computing field, such as Intel, Samsung, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, NXP, STmicroelectronics. The IIS has recently established itself as one of the leaders in the open hardware development, and is a founding member of the RISC-V foundation, maintains strong connections to the FOSSI (Free and Open Source Silicon) foundation. Its flagship project, the parallel ultra-low power platform (PULP) is a co-development of IIS and the University of Bologna and allows researchers access to a state-of-the-art processor cores based on the open RISC-V ISA for advanced computing ad application acceleration.

The Scalable Parallel Computing Laboratory (SPCL) of the D-INFK performs research in all areas of scalable computing under the leadership of Prof. Hoefler. The research areas include scalable high-performance networks and protocols, middleware, operating system and runtime systems, parallel programming languages, support, and constructs, storage, and scalable data access.  The SPCL group has several active research projects, many in collaboration with industry, other academic institutions, and high-performance computing centres world-wide.

The Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS) is a unit of ETH Zürich that operates extreme-scale computing and data services as an openly accessible research infrastructure (RI). The RI is available to all researchers in Europe through a transparent peer review process. CSCS currently operates the largest Tier-0 system in PRACE, which, at the time of this writing (September 2017), is the fastest supercomputer outside of China. The centre also operates the operational weather forecasting system for MeteoSwiss and has developed considerable experience in co-designing energy efficient computing systems for weather and climate simulations. As a result of this work, CSCS was the first site that put a GPU-based system into operation for weather forecasting in fall 2015. CSCS is one of the first adopters of hybrid, accelerated systems and has several years of operational experience with this class of supercomputing systems.

France 2030

France 2030 France
France 2030 is the response to the great challenges of our time , whether they are ecological, demographic, economic, technological, industrial or social challenges. And, at the heart of this ambitious plan initiated by the State is innovation.
In a constantly changing world, France 2030 now offers exceptional means of adapting and anticipating the major contemporary revolutions that are at work.
The investments are commensurate with the challenges: 54 billion euros to build the France of tomorrow by accelerating transitions, guaranteeing its independence (materials, components, energy, health, food), mastering digital technologies, supporting talents and financing the growth of start-ups and innovative companies.

Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas

Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas Greece

FORTH is a major research centre in Greece; it has 1400 people, it has excelled in all national evaluations so far, and it is internationally acknowledged for its excellence in basic and applied research, in developing applications and products, and in providing services. The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of FORTH, with its 35-year history, has 450 people in 8 Laboratories. Contributions to this project will come from the Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems (CARV) Laboratory of FORTH-ICS, with its 80 people and its 32-year history that includes the design, implementation, and test of dozens of innovative FPGA, ASIC, board, and System Software prototypes; this expertise recently attracted a major R&D Lab of KALEAO Ltd. ( to the Science & Technology Park of Crete, bringing close collaboration between FORTH and this highly innovative start-up company.

In Processor Design, Prof. Manolis Katevenis has made central contributions in RISC architectures for VLSI, 36 years ago. Subsequently, at FORTH, his team has made pioneering contributions to Scalable Architectures: in the Telegraphos project (1993-95), workstation clustering prototypes were designed and built, including processor-network interfaces for protected, user-level zero-copy, communication and remote-queue based synchronization.  In Interconnection Networks, FORTH pioneered, since 1986, per-flow backpressure and congestion tolerance, weighted round-robin scheduling and fair queuing, and more. In High Performance Computing, within the ExaNeSt FETHPC project that it coordinates, and in cooperation with the EuroEXA and ExaNoDe projects to which it participates, FORTH is building an ARMv8 prototype with UNIMEM global address space, hundreds of nodes, an innovative interconnect, and a novel storage architecture.  Since 2013, FORTH makes also key contributions in the area of dense, low-power ARM servers (EuroServer project).

In Parallel Programming and Systems Software, FORTH has built a set of parallelizing compilers and static analyses targeting task-parallel programming models (OmpSs, Cilk, Myrmics, etc.), execution engines for task-parallel and streaming/dataflow computations on a wide set of hardware architectures (x86, Xeon Phi, SCC, Cell BE, FPGAs, etc.), NUMA and DSM memory allocators, and a Java virtual machine for the Formic 512-core distributed-memory processor. In Storage and I/O systems, FORTH-ICS has worked on SSD caching, storage controller efficiency, scalability of the I/O path in modern servers, performance isolation in scalable multicore servers, distributed tier-0 storage for fast storage devices, and efficient higher-level abstractions for storage access. Part of this work in CARV has been recently successfully commercialized, through a large international company. FORTH is actively collaborating with Industry on real systems and products due to its expertise and track record on addressing problems in real systems.


Vinnova Sweden

Vinnova is Sweden’s innovation agency. Our mission is to strengthen Sweden’s innovative capacity and contribute to sustainable growth. We work to ensure that Sweden is an innovative force in a sustainable world.

Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif

Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif France

GENCI is the French agency in charge of the coordination and implementation of French national scientific policy concerning development of HPC and storage/data treatment of massive data; this public large-scale Research Infrastructure defines and purchases supercomputers and related equipment in HPC and data. Its main mission is to deliver high performance computing hours to scientific academic and industrial labs involved in open research and to help SMEs to get awareness of HPC potential for socio-economic growth.

GENCI is the French representative into PRACE aisbl Council and one of the 5 hosting members together with Germany, Italy, Span and Switzerland. With this expertise GENCI will contribute to the task Link to the EU strategy of the Global Stream. GENCI is also strongly involved in the definition of European Data Infrastructure and supports French government preparatory activity in EuroHPC initiative implementation.

Instituto Superior Técnico

Instituto Superior Técnico Portugal

Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) is the largest and most reputed school of Engineering, Science and Technology in Portugal, and a part of Universidade de Lisboa. Since its creation in 1911, IST’s mission is to contribute to the development of society by providing top quality higher education, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as developing Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) activities to allow it to provide teaching in line with the highest international standards.

Research at IST is organised in Centres and Institutes that pursue challenging research programmes with a strong social impact in the fields of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Technology. The 20 Centres and Institutes of IST, working in several areas of scientific knowledge, are recognised at national and international levels and address a multidisciplinary research in an international and multicultural atmosphere. The area of Information and Communication Technologies, with 5 Research Centres involved, covers topics such as Computing, Computer Engineering, Computer Systems, Systems and Robotics and Telecommunications.

IST is involved with some of the most prestigious RD&I and technology transfer institutions in Europe, with remarkable impact internationally in many scientific and technological domains. Internationalization has been defined as a key strategic goal over the past few years with increasing number of international students and staff as well as an increasing participation in international academic networks and establishment of several double degree programs in both MSc and PhD levels. Some figure of IST Research and Development: 20 R&D Centres and Institutes; 8 Associate Laboratories; 2.174 Scientific publications in ISI Web of Science; 1.302 total of IST’s faculty and researchers, 11 New patent applications in 2016.



The Forschungszentrum Jülich (JUELICH) – a member of the Helmholtz Association – is one of the largest research centres in Europe. It pursues cutting-edge interdisciplinary research addressing the challenges facing society in the fields of health, energy and the environment, and information technologies. JUELICH is organised in various research institutions, each one addressing a specifically defined scientific goal or societal challenge.

One of them is the Institute for Advance Simulations (IAS), to which the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) belongs. JSC has over 30 years expertise in providing supercomputer services to national and international user communities. It undertakes research and development in HPC architectures, performance analysis, HPC software and tools, and grid computing. JSC has established three jointly operated laboratories to develop and test new promising HPC architectures and prototypes to enter the Exascale era, as well as to foster co-design strategies: the Exascale Innovation Centre – a cooperation with IBM Böblingen – the ExaCluster Laboratory – a cooperation with Intel GmbH and ParTec GmbH – and the NVIDIA Application Lab – a cooperation with NVIDIA. With these, JSC gets access to the newest HPC products before they are even available in the market and contributes to their evolution as product through codesign input based on its application portfolio. JUELICH is also part of the ParaStation Consortium, responsible for the development of the ParaStation cluster management software. Last, but not least, JSC is one of the three national supercomputing centres in Germany as part of the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS), which operates some of the highest performance computing systems in Europe.

Another institute is the Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics (ZEA) to which the Electronic Systems (ZEA-2) institute as a scientific and technical institute belongs. It carries out research and development projects in cooperation with the institutes at Forschungszentrum Jülich and with external partners. Work focuses on developing electronic and information technology system solutions for complex topics in: sensor and detector technology; signal and data processing; measurement technology in the areas of largescale physics experiments, environment and energy, information technology, and life sciences. The institute strategy focuses on SI-based highly integrated System-on-Chip (SoC) solutions.

Università di Bologna

Università di Bologna Italy

Almost 1000 years old, the University of Bologna (UNIBO) is known as the oldest University of the western world. Nowadays, UNIBO is one of the most important institutions of higher education across Europe and the second largest university in Italy with 11 Schools, 33 Departments and about 84.000 students; it is organised in a multi-campus structure with 5 operating sites (Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini), and, since 1998, also a permanent headquarters in Buenos Aires. With regard to the international reputation, UNIBO has been awarded the use of the logo “HR Excellence in Research” and is among the top 5 Italian universities in the main International rankings.

With regard to the capability of attracting funding, UNIBO is very active both at National and European level. At European level, with 87,8 million Euros from FP7 and other EU funded programs (274 projects funded in 2007-2013; in 58 of them UNIBO was coordinator) UNIBO is the third Italian university for the attractiveness of European funding for research, in the top-50 in the European ranking of institutions of higher education. In Horizon 2020, UNIBO is involved in more than 60 funded projects. UNIBO is also affiliate partner of the EIT KIC “EIT ICT Labs”.

The activity of the University of Bologna will be conducted within Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) and the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering (DEI). DISI is one of the strongest centres for computer science and engineering research, covering such diverse areas as artificial intelligence, autonomic and complex systems, bio-informatics, middleware systems, networks, programming languages, formal methods, hardware and software systems and their applications in medicine, energy, environment and society, to cite just a few. DEI is one of the largest departments in UNIBOs with an excellent research profile, attracting more than 25% of UNIBOs overall EU funding.

Within DEI, the research activity of the group in EPI are carried out by the Energy-Efficient Embedded Systems Lab, covering areas related to compilers, programming models and architectures in the domain of both embedded and high-performance energy efficient multi- and many-core systems on a chip and large-scale distributed system. Its flagship project on energy efficient multi-many-core systems on a chip, the parallel ultra-low power platform (PULP) is a co-development of the EEES lab and the IIS in ETHZ and allows researchers access to a state-of-the-art processor cores based on the open RISC-V ISA for advanced computing ad application acceleration. Whereas its flagship project on high performance computing systems, the (Development of an Added Value Infrastructure Designed in Europe), is an OpenPOWER based supercomputing system co-developed with E4 engineering with a quantum leap in out-of-band power and performance monitoring large scale systems and today is ranked in the top 20 most energy efficient supercomputer worldwide.


Vinnova Sweden

Vinnova is Sweden’s innovation agency. Our mission is to strengthen Sweden’s innovative capacity and contribute to sustainable growth. We work to ensure that Sweden is an innovative force in a sustainable world.

Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif

Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif France

GENCI is the French agency in charge of the coordination and implementation of French national scientific policy concerning development of HPC and storage/data treatment of massive data; this public large-scale Research Infrastructure defines and purchases supercomputers and related equipment in HPC and data. Its main mission is to deliver high performance computing hours to scientific academic and industrial labs involved in open research and to help SMEs to get awareness of HPC potential for socio-economic growth.

GENCI is the French representative into PRACE aisbl Council and one of the 5 hosting members together with Germany, Italy, Span and Switzerland. With this expertise GENCI will contribute to the task Link to the EU strategy of the Global Stream. GENCI is also strongly involved in the definition of European Data Infrastructure and supports French government preparatory activity in EuroHPC initiative implementation.

Instituto Superior Técnico

Instituto Superior Técnico Portugal

Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) is the largest and most reputed school of Engineering, Science and Technology in Portugal, and a part of Universidade de Lisboa. Since its creation in 1911, IST’s mission is to contribute to the development of society by providing top quality higher education, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as developing Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) activities to allow it to provide teaching in line with the highest international standards.

Research at IST is organised in Centres and Institutes that pursue challenging research programmes with a strong social impact in the fields of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Technology. The 20 Centres and Institutes of IST, working in several areas of scientific knowledge, are recognised at national and international levels and address a multidisciplinary research in an international and multicultural atmosphere. The area of Information and Communication Technologies, with 5 Research Centres involved, covers topics such as Computing, Computer Engineering, Computer Systems, Systems and Robotics and Telecommunications.

IST is involved with some of the most prestigious RD&I and technology transfer institutions in Europe, with remarkable impact internationally in many scientific and technological domains. Internationalization has been defined as a key strategic goal over the past few years with increasing number of international students and staff as well as an increasing participation in international academic networks and establishment of several double degree programs in both MSc and PhD levels. Some figure of IST Research and Development: 20 R&D Centres and Institutes; 8 Associate Laboratories; 2.174 Scientific publications in ISI Web of Science; 1.302 total of IST’s faculty and researchers, 11 New patent applications in 2016.



The Forschungszentrum Jülich (JUELICH) – a member of the Helmholtz Association – is one of the largest research centres in Europe. It pursues cutting-edge interdisciplinary research addressing the challenges facing society in the fields of health, energy and the environment, and information technologies. JUELICH is organised in various research institutions, each one addressing a specifically defined scientific goal or societal challenge.

One of them is the Institute for Advance Simulations (IAS), to which the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) belongs. JSC has over 30 years expertise in providing supercomputer services to national and international user communities. It undertakes research and development in HPC architectures, performance analysis, HPC software and tools, and grid computing. JSC has established three jointly operated laboratories to develop and test new promising HPC architectures and prototypes to enter the Exascale era, as well as to foster co-design strategies: the Exascale Innovation Centre – a cooperation with IBM Böblingen – the ExaCluster Laboratory – a cooperation with Intel GmbH and ParTec GmbH – and the NVIDIA Application Lab – a cooperation with NVIDIA. With these, JSC gets access to the newest HPC products before they are even available in the market and contributes to their evolution as product through codesign input based on its application portfolio. JUELICH is also part of the ParaStation Consortium, responsible for the development of the ParaStation cluster management software. Last, but not least, JSC is one of the three national supercomputing centres in Germany as part of the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS), which operates some of the highest performance computing systems in Europe.

Another institute is the Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics (ZEA) to which the Electronic Systems (ZEA-2) institute as a scientific and technical institute belongs. It carries out research and development projects in cooperation with the institutes at Forschungszentrum Jülich and with external partners. Work focuses on developing electronic and information technology system solutions for complex topics in: sensor and detector technology; signal and data processing; measurement technology in the areas of largescale physics experiments, environment and energy, information technology, and life sciences. The institute strategy focuses on SI-based highly integrated System-on-Chip (SoC) solutions.

Università di Bologna

Università di Bologna Italy

Almost 1000 years old, the University of Bologna (UNIBO) is known as the oldest University of the western world. Nowadays, UNIBO is one of the most important institutions of higher education across Europe and the second largest university in Italy with 11 Schools, 33 Departments and about 84.000 students; it is organised in a multi-campus structure with 5 operating sites (Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini), and, since 1998, also a permanent headquarters in Buenos Aires. With regard to the international reputation, UNIBO has been awarded the use of the logo “HR Excellence in Research” and is among the top 5 Italian universities in the main International rankings.

With regard to the capability of attracting funding, UNIBO is very active both at National and European level. At European level, with 87,8 million Euros from FP7 and other EU funded programs (274 projects funded in 2007-2013; in 58 of them UNIBO was coordinator) UNIBO is the third Italian university for the attractiveness of European funding for research, in the top-50 in the European ranking of institutions of higher education. In Horizon 2020, UNIBO is involved in more than 60 funded projects. UNIBO is also affiliate partner of the EIT KIC “EIT ICT Labs”.

The activity of the University of Bologna will be conducted within Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) and the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering (DEI). DISI is one of the strongest centres for computer science and engineering research, covering such diverse areas as artificial intelligence, autonomic and complex systems, bio-informatics, middleware systems, networks, programming languages, formal methods, hardware and software systems and their applications in medicine, energy, environment and society, to cite just a few. DEI is one of the largest departments in UNIBOs with an excellent research profile, attracting more than 25% of UNIBOs overall EU funding.

Within DEI, the research activity of the group in EPI are carried out by the Energy-Efficient Embedded Systems Lab, covering areas related to compilers, programming models and architectures in the domain of both embedded and high-performance energy efficient multi- and many-core systems on a chip and large-scale distributed system. Its flagship project on energy efficient multi-many-core systems on a chip, the parallel ultra-low power platform (PULP) is a co-development of the EEES lab and the IIS in ETHZ and allows researchers access to a state-of-the-art processor cores based on the open RISC-V ISA for advanced computing ad application acceleration. Whereas its flagship project on high performance computing systems, the (Development of an Added Value Infrastructure Designed in Europe), is an OpenPOWER based supercomputing system co-developed with E4 engineering with a quantum leap in out-of-band power and performance monitoring large scale systems and today is ranked in the top 20 most energy efficient supercomputer worldwide.



The University of Zagreb, Croatia (1669) is the oldest and biggest university in South-Eastern Europe. Ever since its foundation, the University has been continually growing and developing and now consists of 29 faculties and three art academies. With its comprehensive programmes and over 50,000 full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students the University is the strongest research and teaching institution in the region. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing at University of Zagreb is the leading Croatian academic and R&D institution in the field of electrical engineering and ICT. The Faculty is constituted of 12 departments. The present research and educational staff comprises more than 140 professors and 230 teaching and research assistants and around 3.000 students at the bachelor level, 1.300 students at the master level and 470 PhD students. The Faculty has developed respectable international cooperation with many institutions around the world and has been involved in numerous FP7, H2020 and other projects in the past.



The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG) is Europe’s largest organisation for application-oriented research. Founded in 1949, the organisation undertakes applied research that drives economic development and serves the wider benefit of society. Its services are solicited by customers and contractual partners in industry, the service sector and public administration. The majority of the more than 20,000 staff are qualified scientists and engineers.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Mathematics (ITWM) in Kaiserslautern, Germany, focuses on mathematical approaches to practical challenges like optimization and visualisation. With computer simulations being an indispensable tool in the design and optimization of products and production processes, real models are being replaced by virtual models and mathematics play a fundamental role in the creation of this virtual world. Core competences of the ITWM include processing of large data sets, drafting of mathematical models, problem solving in numerical algorithms, summarization of data sets, interactive optimization of solutions, and visualization of simulation and sensor data.

As part of Fraunhofer ITWM, the Competence Center for High Performance Computing (CC-HPC) develops innovative HPC solutions for the industry and participates in national and international research programs. Since its foundation in 2002, the CC-HPC focuses primarily on parallel application development and development of HPC tools. This includes the communication middleware GPI (Global Address Space Programming Interface), the GPI-Space programming environment for HPC and Big Data applications, and the BeeGFS File System.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS is one of the world’s leading application-oriented research institutions for microelectronic and IT system solutions and services. With the creation of mp3 and the co-development of AAC, Fraunhofer IIS has reached worldwide recognition. In close cooperation with partners and clients the institute provides research and development services in the following areas: Audio & Multimedia, Integrated System Design, Communication Systems, Sensor Systems, Imaging Systems, Energy Management, Positioning, Medical Technology, Safety and Security Technology and Supply Chain Management. About 950 employees conduct contract research for industry, the service sector and public authorities. Founded in 1985 in Erlangen, Fraunhofer IIS has now 13 locations in 10 cities: in Erlangen (headquarters), Nürnberg, Fürth, Dresden, further in Bamberg, Waischenfeld, Coburg, Würzburg, Ilmenau and Deggendorf.


STMICROELECTRONICS SRL                                                Italy

STMicroelectronics is a global semiconductor company with net revenues of US$ 6.97 billion in 2016. The company is listed: NYSE, Euronext Paris and Borsa Italiana, Milan. It has approximately 43,500 employees worldwide and approximately 7,500 people working in R&D. It has 11 manufacturing sites and more than 75 sales and marketing offices worldwide. Offering one of the industry’s broadest product portfolios, ST serves customers across the spectrum of electronics applications with innovative semiconductor solutions for Smart Driving and the Internet of Things by leveraging its vast array of technologies, design expertise and combination of intellectual property portfolio, strategic partnerships and manufacturing strength. ST’s products are found everywhere today, and together with our customers, we are enabling smarter driving and smarter factories, cities, and homes, along with the next generation of mobile and Internet of Things devices. To keep its technology edge, ST has maintained an unwavering commitment to R&D since its creation. Almost one fifth of our people work in R&D and product design and in 2015 the Company spent about 21% of its revenue in R&D. Among the industry’s most innovative Companies, ST owns and continuously refreshes a substantial patent library (~15,000 owned patents in ~9,000 patent families and 500 new patent filings). The Company draws on a rich pool of chip fabrication technologies, including advanced FD-SOI (Fully Depleted Silicon-on- Insulator), CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor), Imaging technologies, RF-SOI (RF Silicon-On-Insulator), Bi-CMOS, BCD (Bipolar, CMOS, DMOS), and MEMS technologies. ST believes in the benefit of owning manufacturing facilities and operating them in close proximity with its R&D operations. Sustainability has been a guiding principle for STMicroelectronics for more than 20 years and we have been a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) since 2000. As a full member of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) we participate in the collective efforts of the industry to find solutions to our biggest sustainability challenges, such as conflict minerals, environmental protection, social issues, health and safety-protection. in addition to playing a key role in Europe`s advanced technology research programs such as CATRENE (Cluster for Application and Technology Research in Europe on NanoElectronics), industry initiatives such as ENIAC (European Nano-electronics Initiative) and ARTEMIS (Embedded Computing Systems Initiative). ST is one of the founding members of EPoSS, the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration. Currently, Andrea Cuomo ST Executive VP is Chairman of the Governing Board at EU’s ECSEL Joint Undertaking.

E4 Computer Engineering SpA

E4 Computer Engineering SpA  Italy

Founded in 2002, E4 Computer Engineering has been innovating and actively encouraging the adoption of new computing and storage technologies. Because new ideas are so important, E4 invests heavily in research and the success achieved up to now is a clear proof of the winning strategy. E4 has been bringing to the market a chain of innovations, like the first Infiniband cluster based on commodity processors (2005), the first ARMbased multi-node cluster connected via the Infiniband network and powered by GPU accelerators (2012), and the first liquid cooled, OpenPOWER-based, multi-node cluster connected via the Infiniband network, with onnode NVIDIA accelerators and featuring a non-intrusive equipment for high-sampling-rate power measuring and capping, co-developed by E4. Because of E4’s comprehensive range of hardware products, software stack and value-added services, E4 can propose customers and prospects with complete solutions for their most demanding workloads in: HPC, Big-Data, AI, Deep Learning, Data Analytics, Cognitive Computing and for any challenging Storage and Computing requirements.

University of Pisa

University of Pisa Italy

The University of Pisa is part of the Pisa University System, which includes the Scuola Normale Superiore and the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. In the science and engineering field, University of Pisa is ranked between first and third places nationally, in the top 150 in the world. University of Pisa has 57,000 students (of which 53,000 undergraduate, and 3,500 for doctoral and specialization studies) and has Bachelor, Master, PhD degree courses, and also Summer Schools in the fields of Science, Engineering, Law, Economy and Management, Medicine, Arts and Humanities. Most of Master and PhD courses and all Summer Schools are held in English. The University has also a close link (with sharing of persons, structures and equipment) with other research centers in Pisa, such as the CNR (National Research Council) which has in Pisa its biggest research center with more than 1000 researchers, mainly in the ICT field, and the INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics Research) which has key role in International experiments such those at CERN (ATLAS, CMS). Pisa is the site of the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO). The research and teaching activity at University of Pisa is held in 20 Departments of which the Department of Information Engineering (DII) (, involved in this project, is in charge of research, teaching and technology transfer activities in the fields of Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Engineering, Applied Electromagnetism, Automation and Robotics, Vehicle Engineering. DII has been awarded as a “Department of Excellence” from Italian Government with a special funding of 9 MEuros in 2018-2022 to sustain the rise of 5 multidisciplinary labs, CrossLabs, to support Industry4.0 national initiative DII hosts research units from CNR and from CNIT and CINI, which are the national interuniversity consortia for Telecommunications and Informatics, respectively. DII has joint labs with STMicroelectronics and RICO. Professors and/or post-doc from DII founded many start-up companies (among them Ingeniars, Quantavis, Qrobotics, Cubitlab, Netresults, PurePowerControl, Yogitech, etc.). Yogitech has been acquired in April 2017 by INTEL creating in Pisa an INTEL R&D research center focused on Functional Safety for IoT and Automotive. University of PisaDII has a strong technology transfer activity in the field of ICT and Engineering, particularly electronics applied to automotive and industrial-automation/robotics, as witnessed by the fact that many international companies are established in the Pisa area, such as AMS, Dialog-Semiconductor, Hanking Electronics, Ericsson, INTEL, in the ICT field and Piaggio, Continental, Magna, Pierburg, DAB pumps, KatoImer, Leonardo, Saint Gobain, ENEL Green Power, INTECS, IDS  in the vehicle and automation fields. The DII is the teaching center for 5 Bachelor degrees and 8 Master degrees (4 held in English) with about 700 new students enrolled each year. The DII is also the site of the PhD School in Information Engineering with 30 new PhD students per Year, the IEEE CAS Society Summer School “Enabling technologies for the Internet of Things” and a post-graduate Master in Cybersecurity. The DII has 9 IEEE Fellows, 2 ERC winners and has strategic partnerships with the European and Italian Space Agencies. Within the EPI proposal, the University of Pisa, under the scientific management of Prof. Sergio Saponara, will be involved with its automotive electronics and cybersecurity research groups, which have expertise in embedded high-performance computing and functional safety for application fields characterized by harsh-environment operations (automotive, industrial-automation/robotics, aerospace). The proposing team has founded the spin-off Ingeniars



The University of Zagreb, Croatia (1669) is the oldest and biggest university in South-Eastern Europe. Ever since its foundation, the University has been continually growing and developing and now consists of 29 faculties and three art academies. With its comprehensive programmes and over 50,000 full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students the University is the strongest research and teaching institution in the region. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing at University of Zagreb is the leading Croatian academic and R&D institution in the field of electrical engineering and ICT. The Faculty is constituted of 12 departments. The present research and educational staff comprises more than 140 professors and 230 teaching and research assistants and around 3.000 students at the bachelor level, 1.300 students at the master level and 470 PhD students. The Faculty has developed respectable international cooperation with many institutions around the world and has been involved in numerous FP7, H2020 and other projects in the past.



The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG) is Europe’s largest organisation for application-oriented research. Founded in 1949, the organisation undertakes applied research that drives economic development and serves the wider benefit of society. Its services are solicited by customers and contractual partners in industry, the service sector and public administration. The majority of the more than 20,000 staff are qualified scientists and engineers.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Mathematics (ITWM) in Kaiserslautern, Germany, focuses on mathematical approaches to practical challenges like optimization and visualisation. With computer simulations being an indispensable tool in the design and optimization of products and production processes, real models are being replaced by virtual models and mathematics play a fundamental role in the creation of this virtual world. Core competences of the ITWM include processing of large data sets, drafting of mathematical models, problem solving in numerical algorithms, summarization of data sets, interactive optimization of solutions, and visualization of simulation and sensor data.

As part of Fraunhofer ITWM, the Competence Center for High Performance Computing (CC-HPC) develops innovative HPC solutions for the industry and participates in national and international research programs. Since its foundation in 2002, the CC-HPC focuses primarily on parallel application development and development of HPC tools. This includes the communication middleware GPI (Global Address Space Programming Interface), the GPI-Space programming environment for HPC and Big Data applications, and the BeeGFS File System.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS is one of the world’s leading application-oriented research institutions for microelectronic and IT system solutions and services. With the creation of mp3 and the co-development of AAC, Fraunhofer IIS has reached worldwide recognition. In close cooperation with partners and clients the institute provides research and development services in the following areas: Audio & Multimedia, Integrated System Design, Communication Systems, Sensor Systems, Imaging Systems, Energy Management, Positioning, Medical Technology, Safety and Security Technology and Supply Chain Management. About 950 employees conduct contract research for industry, the service sector and public authorities. Founded in 1985 in Erlangen, Fraunhofer IIS has now 13 locations in 10 cities: in Erlangen (headquarters), Nürnberg, Fürth, Dresden, further in Bamberg, Waischenfeld, Coburg, Würzburg, Ilmenau and Deggendorf.


STMICROELECTRONICS SRL                                                Italy

STMicroelectronics is a global semiconductor company with net revenues of US$ 6.97 billion in 2016. The company is listed: NYSE, Euronext Paris and Borsa Italiana, Milan. It has approximately 43,500 employees worldwide and approximately 7,500 people working in R&D. It has 11 manufacturing sites and more than 75 sales and marketing offices worldwide. Offering one of the industry’s broadest product portfolios, ST serves customers across the spectrum of electronics applications with innovative semiconductor solutions for Smart Driving and the Internet of Things by leveraging its vast array of technologies, design expertise and combination of intellectual property portfolio, strategic partnerships and manufacturing strength. ST’s products are found everywhere today, and together with our customers, we are enabling smarter driving and smarter factories, cities, and homes, along with the next generation of mobile and Internet of Things devices. To keep its technology edge, ST has maintained an unwavering commitment to R&D since its creation. Almost one fifth of our people work in R&D and product design and in 2015 the Company spent about 21% of its revenue in R&D. Among the industry’s most innovative Companies, ST owns and continuously refreshes a substantial patent library (~15,000 owned patents in ~9,000 patent families and 500 new patent filings). The Company draws on a rich pool of chip fabrication technologies, including advanced FD-SOI (Fully Depleted Silicon-on- Insulator), CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor), Imaging technologies, RF-SOI (RF Silicon-On-Insulator), Bi-CMOS, BCD (Bipolar, CMOS, DMOS), and MEMS technologies. ST believes in the benefit of owning manufacturing facilities and operating them in close proximity with its R&D operations. Sustainability has been a guiding principle for STMicroelectronics for more than 20 years and we have been a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) since 2000. As a full member of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) we participate in the collective efforts of the industry to find solutions to our biggest sustainability challenges, such as conflict minerals, environmental protection, social issues, health and safety-protection. in addition to playing a key role in Europe`s advanced technology research programs such as CATRENE (Cluster for Application and Technology Research in Europe on NanoElectronics), industry initiatives such as ENIAC (European Nano-electronics Initiative) and ARTEMIS (Embedded Computing Systems Initiative). ST is one of the founding members of EPoSS, the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration. Currently, Andrea Cuomo ST Executive VP is Chairman of the Governing Board at EU’s ECSEL Joint Undertaking.

E4 Computer Engineering SpA

E4 Computer Engineering SpA  Italy

Founded in 2002, E4 Computer Engineering has been innovating and actively encouraging the adoption of new computing and storage technologies. Because new ideas are so important, E4 invests heavily in research and the success achieved up to now is a clear proof of the winning strategy. E4 has been bringing to the market a chain of innovations, like the first Infiniband cluster based on commodity processors (2005), the first ARMbased multi-node cluster connected via the Infiniband network and powered by GPU accelerators (2012), and the first liquid cooled, OpenPOWER-based, multi-node cluster connected via the Infiniband network, with onnode NVIDIA accelerators and featuring a non-intrusive equipment for high-sampling-rate power measuring and capping, co-developed by E4. Because of E4’s comprehensive range of hardware products, software stack and value-added services, E4 can propose customers and prospects with complete solutions for their most demanding workloads in: HPC, Big-Data, AI, Deep Learning, Data Analytics, Cognitive Computing and for any challenging Storage and Computing requirements.

University of Pisa

University of Pisa Italy

The University of Pisa is part of the Pisa University System, which includes the Scuola Normale Superiore and the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. In the science and engineering field, University of Pisa is ranked between first and third places nationally, in the top 150 in the world. University of Pisa has 57,000 students (of which 53,000 undergraduate, and 3,500 for doctoral and specialization studies) and has Bachelor, Master, PhD degree courses, and also Summer Schools in the fields of Science, Engineering, Law, Economy and Management, Medicine, Arts and Humanities. Most of Master and PhD courses and all Summer Schools are held in English. The University has also a close link (with sharing of persons, structures and equipment) with other research centers in Pisa, such as the CNR (National Research Council) which has in Pisa its biggest research center with more than 1000 researchers, mainly in the ICT field, and the INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics Research) which has key role in International experiments such those at CERN (ATLAS, CMS). Pisa is the site of the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO). The research and teaching activity at University of Pisa is held in 20 Departments of which the Department of Information Engineering (DII) (, involved in this project, is in charge of research, teaching and technology transfer activities in the fields of Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Engineering, Applied Electromagnetism, Automation and Robotics, Vehicle Engineering. DII has been awarded as a “Department of Excellence” from Italian Government with a special funding of 9 MEuros in 2018-2022 to sustain the rise of 5 multidisciplinary labs, CrossLabs, to support Industry4.0 national initiative DII hosts research units from CNR and from CNIT and CINI, which are the national interuniversity consortia for Telecommunications and Informatics, respectively. DII has joint labs with STMicroelectronics and RICO. Professors and/or post-doc from DII founded many start-up companies (among them Ingeniars, Quantavis, Qrobotics, Cubitlab, Netresults, PurePowerControl, Yogitech, etc.). Yogitech has been acquired in April 2017 by INTEL creating in Pisa an INTEL R&D research center focused on Functional Safety for IoT and Automotive. University of PisaDII has a strong technology transfer activity in the field of ICT and Engineering, particularly electronics applied to automotive and industrial-automation/robotics, as witnessed by the fact that many international companies are established in the Pisa area, such as AMS, Dialog-Semiconductor, Hanking Electronics, Ericsson, INTEL, in the ICT field and Piaggio, Continental, Magna, Pierburg, DAB pumps, KatoImer, Leonardo, Saint Gobain, ENEL Green Power, INTECS, IDS  in the vehicle and automation fields. The DII is the teaching center for 5 Bachelor degrees and 8 Master degrees (4 held in English) with about 700 new students enrolled each year. The DII is also the site of the PhD School in Information Engineering with 30 new PhD students per Year, the IEEE CAS Society Summer School “Enabling technologies for the Internet of Things” and a post-graduate Master in Cybersecurity. The DII has 9 IEEE Fellows, 2 ERC winners and has strategic partnerships with the European and Italian Space Agencies. Within the EPI proposal, the University of Pisa, under the scientific management of Prof. Sergio Saponara, will be involved with its automotive electronics and cybersecurity research groups, which have expertise in embedded high-performance computing and functional safety for application fields characterized by harsh-environment operations (automotive, industrial-automation/robotics, aerospace). The proposing team has founded the spin-off Ingeniars


SURF Netherlands

SURF creates a bridge between research and advanced ICT. We do so with a passion for scientific research in our DNA and with extensive expertise contained in our high-performance infrastructure. This enables us to facilitate scientific research and develop initiatives for the business community.

SURF is the National Supercomputing and e-Science Support Center in the Netherlands. Among SURF’s customers are all of the Dutch Universities, a number of large research, educational and government institutions, and the business community. The mission of SURF is to support research in the Netherlands by the development and provision of advanced ICT infrastructure, services and expertise. SURF provides expertise and services in the areas of High-Performance Computing, e-Science & Cloud Services, Data Services, Network support, and Visualization. SURF has a long history and a proven track record in providing HPC services to the Dutch research community. The national supercomputing service includes administration of the system, helpdesk, training, software and application support, for both general-purpose systems as well as accelerator-equipped systems. Important focus is on supporting users to enable grand challenge applications. SURF has built broad expertise in the implementation and e-science support of grid infrastructures for the scientific research community. SURF provides also HPC-Cloud and Hadoop/Big Data services to support research.

Kalray S.A.

Kalray S.A. France

Kalray is a fabless semiconductor and software provider for high performance embedded systems. Founded in 2008, Kalray has about 65 employees (45 of which in engineering and R&D) and 4 offices worldwide in Grenoble and Paris (France), Los Altos (CA, USA) and Tokyo (Japan).  Kalray’s current products include:

  1. the MPPA® manycore processors, composed of clusters of 16 VLIW cores each, with clusters interconnected by a high-speed network on chip;
  2. a series of associated applicatio development tools, GNU C/C++, OpenCL, OpenVX programming environments, run-time libraries, and operating systems including Linux;
  3. application and reference design boards based on the MPPA® manycore processors.

The MPPA® processors are designed to deliver high performances and excellent energy efficiency for target applications domains in high-performance embedded computing and datacenter networking and storage function acceleration. The MPPA2-256 processor code-named Bostan includes 256 32-bit VLIW cores running at up to 600MHz and distributed across 16 clusters; it is produced since 2015 with the CMOS 28nm HP process from TSMC. The third-generation MPPA3-80 processor code-named Coolidge includes 80 64-bit VLIW cores running at up to 1.2GHz and distributed among 5 clusters; it is scheduled for tape-out in TSMC CMOS 16FFC at the end of 2018. The MPPA cores implement a modern, compiler-friendly VLIW architecture that provides strong timing predictability properties, while delivering scalar performances competitive with high-end superscalar application processors. Starting with the MPPA3, each VLIW core has an attached coprocessor which accelerates deep learning and linear algebra applications. The MPPA® processors are also distinguished by high-performance, low-latency I/O interfaces: 8x 10Gbps Ethernet and 16x PCIe Gen3 for the MPPA® Bostan processor; 8x 25Gbps Ethernet and 16x PCIe Gen4 for the MPPA® Coolidge processor.


EXTOLL GmbH Germany

EXTOLL GmbH was established in 2011 as a spin-off of the University of Heidelberg. The EXTOLL research project has already been pursued for more than 5 years by the Computer Architecture Group of the University of Heidelberg prior to the founding of EXTOLL GmbH which fully licenced all research results and continues to develop the technology, still in cooperation with the university, notably the group of Prof. Brüning. The company develops interconnect technology (IP, hardware, firmware, management software und middleware) for high-performance computing (HPC) and Data Center applications. A highly elaborated and efficient technology could be developed that perfectly links to current and upcoming computer architectures. EXTOLL GmbH is venture capital backed and has raised up to now in three investment rounds funding solely from investors from Germany. In 2013 EXTOLL GmbH started production of its TOURMALET ASIC, a truly high-performance HPC interconnection network (see also below). The research and development team at EXTOLL has a vast experience and knowledge with developing the complete stack for communication in HPC, from low-level ASIC and hardware design, ASCI PHY IPs (e.g. high-speed SerDES), PCB design, manufacturing to system architecture, verification and necessary software development. The EXTOLL interconnection technology was already used in its FPGA based implementations in different projects, including the FP7 EU project DEEP. With the TOURMALET ASIC a very high-performance implementation is available as a product, where one of the first use cases was in the FP7 project DEEP-ER. EXTOLL TOURMALET is also a unique interconnection solution for HPC because it was completely developed in Europe by a European SME. EXTOLL also offers ASIC IP blocks and ASIC design services to customers.

Consorzio Interuniversitario del Nord-Est per il Calcolo Automatico

Consorzio Interuniversitario del Nord-Est per il Calcolo Automatico Italy

CINECA, established in 1969, is a non-profit consortium of 70 Italian Universities, the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), the National Research Council (CNR), and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). CINECA is the national supercomputing facility, one of the largest in Europe; its HPC infrastructure is equipped with cutting-edge technology and it offers highly qualified personnel that cooperate with researchers and customers for the most effective exploitation of the HPC systems, in both the academic and industrial fields. SCAI (SuperComputing Applications and Innovation) is the CINECA High Performance Computing Department. The mission of SCAI is to accelerate the scientific discovery by providing high performance computing resources, data management and storage systems and tools and HPC services and expertise at large, aiming to develop and promote technical and scientific services related to high-performance computing for the Italian and European research community.

Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft

Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft Germany

BMW Group is a global manufacturer of premium class automobiles and motorcycles, covering the BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands. In 2016 about 2,36 Million automobiles and more than 145.000 motor cycles were built and sold worldwide at total revenues of approximately 94 Billion €. The BMW headquarters are located in Munich and main German production sites are located in Munich, Regensburg, Dingolfing, Leipzig, Berlin and Landshut. Beyond these German plants there are major production sites in Austria, South Africa, USA, Great Britain and China. In addition to its strong position in the automotive and motorcycle market, BMW Group also offers its customers a successful range of financial services. In recent years, it has also established itself as a leading provider of premium services for individual mobility. At the end of the reporting period 2016, BMW Group employed a workforce of roughly 124,000 people worldwide.

The BMW Group brands BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce are three of the strongest premium brands in the automotive industry today. Vehicles built by the BMW Group offer superb product substance in terms of aesthetic appeal, dynamic performance, technology and quality, and underline the company’s leading position in innovation and technology.

Corporate sustainability is firmly established as a guiding principle of the company’s strategy and culture. The BMW Group complies with the ten principles of the Global Compact and the Cleaner Production Declaration of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). In addition, the company also adheres to the agreements of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the OECD’s guidelines for multinational companies and the Business Charter for Sustainable Development issued by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

In Munich, BMW operates its own research and development centre, called FIZ (Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum = Research and Innovation Centre), in which future cars are developed and research and predevelopment on various fields of vehicle, systems and infrastructure design are conducted.  BMW Group´s expenditures for R&D summed up to 5,16 Billion € in 2016. Since BMW Group has a long tradition in participating in joint research, its associates are very well experienced in conducting and participating in national and European joint research programs.


SURF Netherlands

SURF creates a bridge between research and advanced ICT. We do so with a passion for scientific research in our DNA and with extensive expertise contained in our high-performance infrastructure. This enables us to facilitate scientific research and develop initiatives for the business community.

SURF is the National Supercomputing and e-Science Support Center in the Netherlands. Among SURF’s customers are all of the Dutch Universities, a number of large research, educational and government institutions, and the business community. The mission of SURF is to support research in the Netherlands by the development and provision of advanced ICT infrastructure, services and expertise. SURF provides expertise and services in the areas of High-Performance Computing, e-Science & Cloud Services, Data Services, Network support, and Visualization. SURF has a long history and a proven track record in providing HPC services to the Dutch research community. The national supercomputing service includes administration of the system, helpdesk, training, software and application support, for both general-purpose systems as well as accelerator-equipped systems. Important focus is on supporting users to enable grand challenge applications. SURF has built broad expertise in the implementation and e-science support of grid infrastructures for the scientific research community. SURF provides also HPC-Cloud and Hadoop/Big Data services to support research.

Kalray S.A.

Kalray S.A. France

Kalray is a fabless semiconductor and software provider for high performance embedded systems. Founded in 2008, Kalray has about 65 employees (45 of which in engineering and R&D) and 4 offices worldwide in Grenoble and Paris (France), Los Altos (CA, USA) and Tokyo (Japan).  Kalray’s current products include:

  1. the MPPA® manycore processors, composed of clusters of 16 VLIW cores each, with clusters interconnected by a high-speed network on chip;
  2. a series of associated applicatio development tools, GNU C/C++, OpenCL, OpenVX programming environments, run-time libraries, and operating systems including Linux;
  3. application and reference design boards based on the MPPA® manycore processors.

The MPPA® processors are designed to deliver high performances and excellent energy efficiency for target applications domains in high-performance embedded computing and datacenter networking and storage function acceleration. The MPPA2-256 processor code-named Bostan includes 256 32-bit VLIW cores running at up to 600MHz and distributed across 16 clusters; it is produced since 2015 with the CMOS 28nm HP process from TSMC. The third-generation MPPA3-80 processor code-named Coolidge includes 80 64-bit VLIW cores running at up to 1.2GHz and distributed among 5 clusters; it is scheduled for tape-out in TSMC CMOS 16FFC at the end of 2018. The MPPA cores implement a modern, compiler-friendly VLIW architecture that provides strong timing predictability properties, while delivering scalar performances competitive with high-end superscalar application processors. Starting with the MPPA3, each VLIW core has an attached coprocessor which accelerates deep learning and linear algebra applications. The MPPA® processors are also distinguished by high-performance, low-latency I/O interfaces: 8x 10Gbps Ethernet and 16x PCIe Gen3 for the MPPA® Bostan processor; 8x 25Gbps Ethernet and 16x PCIe Gen4 for the MPPA® Coolidge processor.


EXTOLL GmbH Germany

EXTOLL GmbH was established in 2011 as a spin-off of the University of Heidelberg. The EXTOLL research project has already been pursued for more than 5 years by the Computer Architecture Group of the University of Heidelberg prior to the founding of EXTOLL GmbH which fully licenced all research results and continues to develop the technology, still in cooperation with the university, notably the group of Prof. Brüning. The company develops interconnect technology (IP, hardware, firmware, management software und middleware) for high-performance computing (HPC) and Data Center applications. A highly elaborated and efficient technology could be developed that perfectly links to current and upcoming computer architectures. EXTOLL GmbH is venture capital backed and has raised up to now in three investment rounds funding solely from investors from Germany. In 2013 EXTOLL GmbH started production of its TOURMALET ASIC, a truly high-performance HPC interconnection network (see also below). The research and development team at EXTOLL has a vast experience and knowledge with developing the complete stack for communication in HPC, from low-level ASIC and hardware design, ASCI PHY IPs (e.g. high-speed SerDES), PCB design, manufacturing to system architecture, verification and necessary software development. The EXTOLL interconnection technology was already used in its FPGA based implementations in different projects, including the FP7 EU project DEEP. With the TOURMALET ASIC a very high-performance implementation is available as a product, where one of the first use cases was in the FP7 project DEEP-ER. EXTOLL TOURMALET is also a unique interconnection solution for HPC because it was completely developed in Europe by a European SME. EXTOLL also offers ASIC IP blocks and ASIC design services to customers.

Consorzio Interuniversitario del Nord-Est per il Calcolo Automatico

Consorzio Interuniversitario del Nord-Est per il Calcolo Automatico Italy

CINECA, established in 1969, is a non-profit consortium of 70 Italian Universities, the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), the National Research Council (CNR), and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). CINECA is the national supercomputing facility, one of the largest in Europe; its HPC infrastructure is equipped with cutting-edge technology and it offers highly qualified personnel that cooperate with researchers and customers for the most effective exploitation of the HPC systems, in both the academic and industrial fields. SCAI (SuperComputing Applications and Innovation) is the CINECA High Performance Computing Department. The mission of SCAI is to accelerate the scientific discovery by providing high performance computing resources, data management and storage systems and tools and HPC services and expertise at large, aiming to develop and promote technical and scientific services related to high-performance computing for the Italian and European research community.

Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft

Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft Germany

BMW Group is a global manufacturer of premium class automobiles and motorcycles, covering the BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands. In 2016 about 2,36 Million automobiles and more than 145.000 motor cycles were built and sold worldwide at total revenues of approximately 94 Billion €. The BMW headquarters are located in Munich and main German production sites are located in Munich, Regensburg, Dingolfing, Leipzig, Berlin and Landshut. Beyond these German plants there are major production sites in Austria, South Africa, USA, Great Britain and China. In addition to its strong position in the automotive and motorcycle market, BMW Group also offers its customers a successful range of financial services. In recent years, it has also established itself as a leading provider of premium services for individual mobility. At the end of the reporting period 2016, BMW Group employed a workforce of roughly 124,000 people worldwide.

The BMW Group brands BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce are three of the strongest premium brands in the automotive industry today. Vehicles built by the BMW Group offer superb product substance in terms of aesthetic appeal, dynamic performance, technology and quality, and underline the company’s leading position in innovation and technology.

Corporate sustainability is firmly established as a guiding principle of the company’s strategy and culture. The BMW Group complies with the ten principles of the Global Compact and the Cleaner Production Declaration of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). In addition, the company also adheres to the agreements of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the OECD’s guidelines for multinational companies and the Business Charter for Sustainable Development issued by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

In Munich, BMW operates its own research and development centre, called FIZ (Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum = Research and Innovation Centre), in which future cars are developed and research and predevelopment on various fields of vehicle, systems and infrastructure design are conducted.  BMW Group´s expenditures for R&D summed up to 5,16 Billion € in 2016. Since BMW Group has a long tradition in participating in joint research, its associates are very well experienced in conducting and participating in national and European joint research programs.

Elektrobit Automotive GmbH (EB)

Elektrobit Automotive GmbH (EB)   Germany

Elektrobit (EB) is an award-winning and visionary global supplier of embedded solutions, cloud computing and services for the automotive industry. A leader in automotive software, with over 25 years serving the industry, EB’s products power over 70 million vehicles and offer flexible, innovative software solutions for connected car infrastructure, human machine interface (HMI) technologies, navigation, driver assistance, electronic control units (ECUs), and software engineering services. EB provides technologies and flexible software platforms, tools, and services to help automotive manufacturers and their suppliers to deliver the best products and services in order to meet the needs of drivers. EB was founded in 1988 as 3SOFT GmbH, Germany and was acquired in 2004 by the Finnish Elektrobit Corporation. Later 3SOFT changed its name to Elektrobit Automotive GmbH (EB). In 2015 Continental AG acquired Elektrobit Automotive GmbH.

Prove & Run

Prove & Run France

Prove & Run’s mission is to help our customers resolve the security challenges linked to the deployment of connected devices and of the Internet of Things. Prove & Run is a rapidly-growing software company founded by Dominique Bolignano in 2009. It is independent, financially secure, and has its headquarters in Paris, France.

Prove & Run commercialises cost effective, highly secured, off-the-shelf Secure OS and hypervisors that dramatically improve the level of security of connected systems:

  • ProvenCore: a formally proven OS kernel. It is a new generation ultra-secure OS. ProvenCore is typically used to run security-critical applications (FOTA, VPN, firewalls, authentication systems, etc.) and to protect the security of existing non-secure operating systems. ProvenCore is available on ARM Cortex-A and Cortex-M architectures and soon on RiscV architectures.
  • ProvenVisor: a formally proven secure hypervisor. It is a new generation ultra-secure hypervisor. ProvenVisor is typically used for secure isolation of existing operating systems and legacy software stacks. ProvenVisor is available on ARM Cortex-A architectures.

Prove & Run’s main competencies are in Security and Architecture, Operating Systems, Formal Methods and Security Certification. For each of those competencies, we have industry-recognized experts backed up by years of experience in the digital security market, in particular in the smart card and the mobile security industries.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is a higher education and research organization with about 9,500 employees, 25,000 students. KIT is one of the largest national research centers in the Helmholtz Association and in Germany. It has gained extensive experience from more than 1000 completed and on-going projects.

The ITIV, under the corporate lead of Prof. Jürgen Becker, Prof. Eric Sax and Prof. Wilhelm Stork, is part of the electrical engineering department at KIT. The institute is focusing on the following research areas: VLSI integration, embedded HW/SW Co-Design, computer-aided design methods, as well as dependable microsystems.

Within EPI, the ITIV will collaborate in the eHPC platform at system architecture level and HW/SW co-design. It already has a record of accomplishment with both BMW and Infineon as automotive partners in research cooperation projects like ARAMIS the largest German national initiative on efficient multicore deployment in embedded. Due to ITIVs wide experience in System on Chip (SoC) design, ITIV is contributing designs and co-processors using the eFPGA cell delivered by Menta. Those will be both flexible in deployment and adaptable. The experience of ITIV is backed by on-going or completed projects such as ARGO, ALMA, Morpheus, among others.


Menta France

Realize a new level of flexibility in SOC design with embedded programmable logic from Menta. Building flexibility into SoCs allows common design issues to be handled at will, post production.
With Menta eFPGA IP cores, designers can fix a bug, accommodate a changing standard, or add a desired application feature without the need for a costly and time-consuming re-design.
Menta eFPGA IP Cores have applications in Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, Automotive, Aerospace & Defence, Security and many more.


SiPearl France

Created by Philippe Notton, SiPearl is the company that is bringing to life the European Processor Initiative (EPI) project, designing the high-performance, low-power microprocessor for the European exascale supercomputer.

This new generation of microprocessors will enable Europe to set out its technological sovereignty on the strategic markets for high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, and connected mobility.

SiPearl will develop and market its solutions through close collaboration with its 26 partners from the EPI – scientific community, supercomputing centers and leading names from the IT, electronics and automotive sectors – which are its stakeholders and future clients.

Elektrobit Automotive GmbH (EB)

Elektrobit Automotive GmbH (EB)   Germany

Elektrobit (EB) is an award-winning and visionary global supplier of embedded solutions, cloud computing and services for the automotive industry. A leader in automotive software, with over 25 years serving the industry, EB’s products power over 70 million vehicles and offer flexible, innovative software solutions for connected car infrastructure, human machine interface (HMI) technologies, navigation, driver assistance, electronic control units (ECUs), and software engineering services. EB provides technologies and flexible software platforms, tools, and services to help automotive manufacturers and their suppliers to deliver the best products and services in order to meet the needs of drivers. EB was founded in 1988 as 3SOFT GmbH, Germany and was acquired in 2004 by the Finnish Elektrobit Corporation. Later 3SOFT changed its name to Elektrobit Automotive GmbH (EB). In 2015 Continental AG acquired Elektrobit Automotive GmbH.

Prove & Run

Prove & Run France

Prove & Run’s mission is to help our customers resolve the security challenges linked to the deployment of connected devices and of the Internet of Things. Prove & Run is a rapidly-growing software company founded by Dominique Bolignano in 2009. It is independent, financially secure, and has its headquarters in Paris, France.

Prove & Run commercialises cost effective, highly secured, off-the-shelf Secure OS and hypervisors that dramatically improve the level of security of connected systems:

  • ProvenCore: a formally proven OS kernel. It is a new generation ultra-secure OS. ProvenCore is typically used to run security-critical applications (FOTA, VPN, firewalls, authentication systems, etc.) and to protect the security of existing non-secure operating systems. ProvenCore is available on ARM Cortex-A and Cortex-M architectures and soon on RiscV architectures.
  • ProvenVisor: a formally proven secure hypervisor. It is a new generation ultra-secure hypervisor. ProvenVisor is typically used for secure isolation of existing operating systems and legacy software stacks. ProvenVisor is available on ARM Cortex-A architectures.

Prove & Run’s main competencies are in Security and Architecture, Operating Systems, Formal Methods and Security Certification. For each of those competencies, we have industry-recognized experts backed up by years of experience in the digital security market, in particular in the smart card and the mobile security industries.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is a higher education and research organization with about 9,500 employees, 25,000 students. KIT is one of the largest national research centers in the Helmholtz Association and in Germany. It has gained extensive experience from more than 1000 completed and on-going projects.

The ITIV, under the corporate lead of Prof. Jürgen Becker, Prof. Eric Sax and Prof. Wilhelm Stork, is part of the electrical engineering department at KIT. The institute is focusing on the following research areas: VLSI integration, embedded HW/SW Co-Design, computer-aided design methods, as well as dependable microsystems.

Within EPI, the ITIV will collaborate in the eHPC platform at system architecture level and HW/SW co-design. It already has a record of accomplishment with both BMW and Infineon as automotive partners in research cooperation projects like ARAMIS the largest German national initiative on efficient multicore deployment in embedded. Due to ITIVs wide experience in System on Chip (SoC) design, ITIV is contributing designs and co-processors using the eFPGA cell delivered by Menta. Those will be both flexible in deployment and adaptable. The experience of ITIV is backed by on-going or completed projects such as ARGO, ALMA, Morpheus, among others.


Menta France

Realize a new level of flexibility in SOC design with embedded programmable logic from Menta. Building flexibility into SoCs allows common design issues to be handled at will, post production.
With Menta eFPGA IP cores, designers can fix a bug, accommodate a changing standard, or add a desired application feature without the need for a costly and time-consuming re-design.
Menta eFPGA IP Cores have applications in Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, Automotive, Aerospace & Defence, Security and many more.


SiPearl France

Created by Philippe Notton, SiPearl is the company that is bringing to life the European Processor Initiative (EPI) project, designing the high-performance, low-power microprocessor for the European exascale supercomputer.

This new generation of microprocessors will enable Europe to set out its technological sovereignty on the strategic markets for high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, and connected mobility.

SiPearl will develop and market its solutions through close collaboration with its 26 partners from the EPI – scientific community, supercomputing centers and leading names from the IT, electronics and automotive sectors – which are its stakeholders and future clients.


Kernkonzept Germany

Kernkonzept is a specialist in secure and safe virtualization and
operating-system technology. Our customers build complex software
products for safety-, security-, and mission-critical applications,
often requiring certification or accreditation. Based on our
open-source L4Re technology – a scalable microkernel-based
operating-system and hypervisor platform – we engineer system
solutions with a minimal attack surface, real-time capabilities, and
virtualization support. Our deeply experienced operating-system
engineers tailor these solutions to the needs of safety-conscious
markets, such as automotive, as well as to high-assurance-security,
cloud, server and embedded markets. We are committed to support our
customers with comprehensive and individual architectural consulting
and engineering to facilitate their success. Kernkonzept GmbH is an
SME based in Dresden, Germany.


Leonardo Italy

Leonardo S.p.A. develops multi-domain operational capabilities in the Aerospace, Defence and Security sector.

The company plays a prominent role in major international strategic programmes and is a trusted technological partner of governments, defence agencies, institutions and enterprises. Innovation, continuous research, digital manufacturing and sustainability are the cornerstones of Leonardo’s business worldwide.

ZeroPoint Technologies

ZeroPoint Technologies Sweden

ZeroPoint Technologies is offering Ziptilion™ a patented memory compression technology for high performance System on a Chip (SoC) processor subsystems. The technology effectively doubles the memory capacity and memory bandwidth.

ZeroPoint also offers memory encryption, a technology that delivers high throughput and high security memory encryption, integrated with compression or stand alone.


CDTI Spain

The CDTI (Centro para Pereda Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación) is a Spanish Business Public Entity under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities that promotes innovation and technological development of Spanish companies. This is the entity that engages applications assistance and support to R & D & I projects of Spanish companies at both state and international levels. Therefore, the aim of CDTI is to contribute to the improvement of the technological level of Spanish companies through the development of the following activities:

  • Technical and economic evaluation and awarding of public aid to innovation through subsidies or aid partly refundable R & D projects developed by companies.
  • Management and promotion of the Spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation.
  • Promotion of the international transfer of technology and business support services to technological innovation.
  • Support for the establishment and consolidation of technology-based enterprises.

The bulk of the infrastructure of CDTI is in Madrid, but in addition we offer Spanish companies a strategic network of offices and representatives abroad (the SOST OFFICES-Spain Office of Science and Technology-), specifically in Belgium, Japan, Brazil, Korea, Chile, India, Mexico and USA, to support them in their technology activities abroad.


Kernkonzept Germany

Kernkonzept is a specialist in secure and safe virtualization and
operating-system technology. Our customers build complex software
products for safety-, security-, and mission-critical applications,
often requiring certification or accreditation. Based on our
open-source L4Re technology – a scalable microkernel-based
operating-system and hypervisor platform – we engineer system
solutions with a minimal attack surface, real-time capabilities, and
virtualization support. Our deeply experienced operating-system
engineers tailor these solutions to the needs of safety-conscious
markets, such as automotive, as well as to high-assurance-security,
cloud, server and embedded markets. We are committed to support our
customers with comprehensive and individual architectural consulting
and engineering to facilitate their success. Kernkonzept GmbH is an
SME based in Dresden, Germany.


Leonardo Italy

Leonardo S.p.A. develops multi-domain operational capabilities in the Aerospace, Defence and Security sector.

The company plays a prominent role in major international strategic programmes and is a trusted technological partner of governments, defence agencies, institutions and enterprises. Innovation, continuous research, digital manufacturing and sustainability are the cornerstones of Leonardo’s business worldwide.

ZeroPoint Technologies

ZeroPoint Technologies Sweden

ZeroPoint Technologies is offering Ziptilion™ a patented memory compression technology for high performance System on a Chip (SoC) processor subsystems. The technology effectively doubles the memory capacity and memory bandwidth.

ZeroPoint also offers memory encryption, a technology that delivers high throughput and high security memory encryption, integrated with compression or stand alone.


CDTI Spain

The CDTI (Centro para Pereda Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación) is a Spanish Business Public Entity under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities that promotes innovation and technological development of Spanish companies. This is the entity that engages applications assistance and support to R & D & I projects of Spanish companies at both state and international levels. Therefore, the aim of CDTI is to contribute to the improvement of the technological level of Spanish companies through the development of the following activities:

  • Technical and economic evaluation and awarding of public aid to innovation through subsidies or aid partly refundable R & D projects developed by companies.
  • Management and promotion of the Spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation.
  • Promotion of the international transfer of technology and business support services to technological innovation.
  • Support for the establishment and consolidation of technology-based enterprises.

The bulk of the infrastructure of CDTI is in Madrid, but in addition we offer Spanish companies a strategic network of offices and representatives abroad (the SOST OFFICES-Spain Office of Science and Technology-), specifically in Belgium, Japan, Brazil, Korea, Chile, India, Mexico and USA, to support them in their technology activities abroad.