Supercomputing 2023

Denver is the place to be this fall as the high performance computing community convenes for an exhilarating week of sessions, speakers, and networking at its finest. SC is an unparalleled mix of thousands of scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, developers, and system administrators who intermingle to learn, share, and grow. More about the event here:

EPI will have a booth at the exhibition and several EPI partners will be participating in the Conference.

We will be sharing a booth with EUPEX and EUPilot projects. Visit us at booth #213 to know more about the European Processor Initiative and its first implementations in the future European pilot systems.



Don't miss the Birds of a Feather: European RISC-V HPC and AI Pre-Exascale Accelerators
This BoF aims to foster discussion on RISC-V accelerators led by efforts on European accelerators for HPC and foster community interest in these projects. There are several accelerator efforts around the HPC community in Europe, many of them leveraging and fostering the RISC-V ecosystem. We will start with a short presentation (15 minutes) on a brief overview of current efforts and a quick insight into EUPILOT (part of the European Processor Initiative - EPI effort) to start the conversation. A Q&A session and open discussion with audience members will follow the introduction.

Also don't miss the following two workshops:

Fourth Workshop on Heterogeneous Memory Systems (HMEM)

As in previous years, the workshop on Heterogeneous Memory systems (HMEM) will serve as a forum to bring together researchers from the HPC community to present and discuss ongoing research around heterogeneous memory systems.

Second International workshop on RISC-V for HPC

Co-located with SC 2023, this is a half day afternoon workshop is on Monday 13th November 2023 between 2pm and 5:3pm in room 507 of the Denver Convention Centre, USA

The goal of this workshop is to continue building the community of RISC-V in HPC, sharing the benefits of this technology with domain scientists, tool developers, and supercomputer operators.

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12 11
@ 12:00
17 11
@ 12:00
Place: Denver, CO, USA
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