RISC-V Summit Europe 2024

The RISC-V Summit Europe is the premier event that connects the European movers and shakers - from industry, government, research, academia and ecosystem support - that are building the future of innovation on RISC-V. This time at RISC-V Europe, Several EPI consortium partners were there: Barcelona Supercomputing Center's Filippo Mantovani's Demo on The European Accelerator (EPAC) demonstrator with 3 RISC-V based accelerators, as well as CEA List Lilia Zaourar Koutchoukali's talk on Exploring RISC-V architectures with VPSim, a virtual prototyping environment with the best trade-off between simulation speed & accuracy and
Andrea Bocco's talk on VRP: a Variable Precision Accelerator for Scientific Computing Applications.
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24 06
@ 12:00
28 06
@ 12:00
Place: Munich, Germany
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