CoNGA 2023

Conference on Next Generation Arithmetic (CoNGA) is the leading conference on emerging technologies for computer arithmetic. The demands of both AI and HPC have led the community to realise that something better than traditional floating-point arithmetic is needed to reach the speed, accuracy, and energy-efficiency that are needed for today’s most challenging workloads. In particular, posit arithmetic is achieving rapid adoption as a non-proprietary format, but CoNGA welcomes papers about any arithmetic format that breaks from the past and shows merit and promise.

CoNGA will be held in conjunction with Supercomputing Asia 2023 (SCA23), an annual international conference that encompasses an umbrella of notable supercomputing events with the key objective of promoting a vibrant and relevant HPC ecosystem in Asia. Co-organised by HPC centres from Australia, Japan, Thailand and Singapore, the SCA23 will be held from 27 February to 02 March 2023 in Singapore. In conjunction with SCA23, the HPC Asia 2023 conference will also be co-located with SCA23 in Singapore for the first time.

Kalray will have a keynote at the conference.
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27 02
@ 12:00
02 03
@ 12:00
Place: Singapore
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