RISC-V workshop and Week of Open Source Hardware

The RISC-V workshop, taking place in Zurich, Switzerland, from June 11-13, included EPI's own Luca Benini, ETH, with a keynote titled "Energy efficient computing from Exascale to MicroWatts: The RISC-V playground", touching also upon EPI.

The Week of Open Source Hardware (WOSH) followed in Zurich, from June 13 to June 14, 2019. The FOSSi Foundation and the Pulp team, with the support of H2020 projects Eurolab4HPC and OPRECOMP organized a free complementary program that covered topics around free and open source silicon, its licensing and open source EDA tools. [description taken from https://fossi-foundation.org/wosh/]

As a part of the WOSH schedule in the afternoon segment "Challenges and opportunities for using Open Source Hardware in the academia and in the industry", several EPI consortium members gave their perspective on the topic, while EPI's CCO, Mario Kovač, presented EPI's approach. Another EPI representative, Mauro Olivieri from BSC, gave a talk titled "EPI and beyond: perspectives of a European supercomputing center on open-source hardware and software"

Full schedule is available here: https://fossi-foundation.org/wosh/#Eurolab4HPC.

Materials also available here or upon request:
https://www.european-processor-initiative.eu/dissemination-material/epi-and-beyond-perspectives-of-a-european-supercomputing-center-on-open-source-hardware-and-software/ https://www.european-processor-initiative.eu/dissemination-material/energy-efficient-computing-from-exascale-to-microwatts-the-risc-v-playground/

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11 06
@ 12:00
14 06
@ 12:00
Place: Zurich, Switzerland
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