The European Processor Initiative (EPI), a project with 28 partners from 10 European countries aiming to make the EU achieve independence in high-performance computing (HPC) chip technologies and infrastructure, is proud to present key results achieved in phase one (2018-2021).

These results stem from three major research and innovation domains, the General-Purpose Processor (GPP), Accelerator (EPAC) and Automotive streams, complemented by a number of common activities.

General-Purpose Processor (GPP)

Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, cybersecurity, cloud and HPC, is the lead partner of the General-Purpose Processor (GPP) stream. Together with SiPearl, the company bringing to market the high-performance and low-power European processor, and other EPI partners, they defined the architectural specifications of Rhea, the first generation of the EPI General-Purpose Processor (GPP) implementation and its future derivates.

With 29 RISC-V cores, the Arm Neoverse V1 architecture used by SiPearl to design Rhea will offer an effective, scalable and customisable solution for HPC applications. Architectural decisions were taken following a co-design methodology and by analysing the performance of advanced intellectual property (IP) blocks. A scalable network-on-chip (NoC) to enable high-frequency, high-bandwidth data transfers between cores, accelerators, input / output (IO) and shared memory resources was also optimised by SiPearl.

To allow early software development and performance estimation of the EPI processor while the GPP was still at the implementation stage, a GPP virtual prototype was designed and used.

“We are proud of our success in designing a powerful GPP leveraging cutting edge technologies and IPs built and deployed exclusively by European universities and industrial leaders. We are confident that we will soon demonstrate the instrumental role of this GPP in enabling a European exascale computing machine, the next breakthrough in the HPC domain the world is expecting.” – said Stream Leader Emmanuel Ego (Atos).

At SiPearl, we are very proud to bring to life the joint project of the European Processor Initiative. We worked hard through close collaboration with the initiative’s 28 partners – the scientific community, supercomputing centres, leading names from industry and innovative start-ups – who are our stakeholders, future users, and clients. With the release of the Rhea processor, we will all contribute to ensure European sovereignty in HPC applications such as personalised medicine, climate modelling, and energy management.” – said Philippe Notton, founder and CEO of SiPearl.

Rhea will integrate technologies by EPI partners and offers unique features in terms of memory architecture, memory bandwidth optimisation, security, and power management.


Memory controllers are one of the most critical IPs when it comes to GPP performance. To help evaluate architectural choices, CEA developed a complete simulation platform with specific instrumentations to analyse controller efficiency in driving the high-bandwidth HBM2E memories. The platform allows efficient analysis of the memory device interface thanks to the decoding and tracking of all memory commands and data. The HBM2E subsystem was simulated with multiple random and directive patterns targeting different traffic shapes and involving all the controller features in maintaining the HBM2E efficiency.


A number of state-of-the-art embedded security features and key technologies were also designed in this stream. These include the standalone Security Management System (SMS) security IP developed by ProvenRun, providing advanced, common-criteria certified, sovereign security IP for HPC and edge processors.

To further bolster security, the University of Pisa contributed a set of crypto IPs, called “Crypto Tile”, integrated in the Rhea GPP by SiPearl. This provides a hardware security module with full security services for high-end symmetric (AES with 9 cipher modes), asymmetric (ECC, ECDSA, ECIES, ECDH) and hashing (SHA2/SHA3) cryptography, delivering several orders of magnitude of increased throughput and decreased energy cost as compared to a software solution.

The Crypto Tile also includes secure key storage and secure IP configuration, side-channel attack protection, on-chip true random number generation (TRNG), support of Linux kernel drivers, extreme key lengths for maximum security levels and high speed en(de)cryption throughput thanks to AXI4-based interface towards DMA and Arm or RISC-V programmable cores. Post-quantum cryptographic support is also provided thanks to real-time implementation of Lattice algorithms such as Crystals Kyber and Dilithium.


Given the importance both of reducing the carbon footprint of future generation computing systems and enabling higher computation capabilities in post-Dennard scaling electronics, energy-efficient computing has been a key consideration in EPI from the outset. For this purpose, an open-source, RISC-V based power controller was designed by University of Bologna and ETH Zurich and integrated into the Rhea processor, harnessing advanced control and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for the power management of large-scale systems-on-chip (SoCs).

In addition, based on STMicroelectronics technology on power solutions, Atos and E4 Computer Engineering designed and manufactured the Voltage Regulator and Management reference platform to test the Board Management Controller (mapped inside a field-programmable gate array, or FPGA).

EPI GPP has achieved register transfer level (RTL) completion status as a result of the first phase of the EPI project. The Rhea full design implementation is currently at the validation stage using emulations.

The main result of general-purpose processor activities in EPI phase one, the Rhea processor, will be instrumental for the launch of European exascale supercomputers in 2023.


The EPI accelerator stream set out to deliver energy-efficient acceleration for HPC and AI workloads. With the European Processor Accelerator (EPAC) test chip proof of concept, EPI has demonstrated that it is possible to create an exclusively European design, while the use of open-source instruction-set architectures (ISAs) ensures freedom from proprietary licences and export restrictions.

This stream has fully embraced the open-source philosophy of give and take, contributing to the expansion of the RISC-V ecosystem and adding to the LLVM compiler database. The EPAC systems and FPGA software development vehicles make full use of the Linux operating system and contribute to the community with patches, device drivers, and additional functionality to popular open-source HPC software packages such as OpenMP and MPI. Furthermore, parts of the hardware such as the STX (stencil/tensor accelerator) were developed using a permissively licensed open-source approach around the PULP platform.

“The accelerator stream in EPI has emphatically proven that the RISC-V vector approach has the potential to transform the HPC sector, with designed-in-Europe architectures capable of delivering high performance on a low energy budget,” commented Stream Leader Jesús Labarta (Barcelona Supercomputing Center). “The work also epitomizes European traditions of open science and collaboration. Partners across Europe have joined forces to create something that no single organization could have achieved by itself. By working with open-source technologies and projects, the EPAC stream has helped expand the RISC-V ecosystem, making this technology viable for an increasing number of applications in the future.”

Figure 1 EPAC Test Chip on a test PCB

EPAC set out to provide a proof of concept for European-designed, RISC-V vector architectures for HPC acceleration. A suite of technologies has been developed to this end:

EPAC offers exceptional programmability, with generic codes being run successfully on the test chip with minimal modifications and a software development vehicle to support programmers. It is a genuine example of co-design, with a continuous integration system and rapid application of improvements in response to feedback.


Coordinated by Infineon, a leader in automotive microcontrollers, the Automotive Stream has paved the way towards road-capable autonomous cars, thanks to the proof of concept for an innovative embedded high-performance compute (eHPC) platform and associated software development kit (SDK). This platform, in combination with a downsized, vehicle-tailored, general-purpose processor, meets the increasing demand for computing power in future cars in a cost-efficient, economically viable and functionally safe way.

“Overall, the achievements are evidence of collaboration, synergies and the team spirit which characterised the research work in the automotive stream”, – said Stream Leader Knut Hufeld (Infineon). “With its focus on cost-effective, safe and certified automotive solutions, it can be seen as a driving belt for the overall profitability of European processors in the field of HPC.”


Figure 2: BMW X5 EPI Test Car and the EPI computing system in the rack.

The main achievement was demonstrated in a road-approved BMW X5 car to show the proof of concept for a pioneering eHPC Microcontroller Unit (eHPC MCU) which is integrated in a specially designed flexible modular computing platform (MCP) together with several EPI technology IPs. Numerous test drives were performed to collect data and evaluate test scenarios involving parameters of autonomous driving.

Among other features, the platform includes AI-supported integrated cameras and Elektrobit radar imaging analysis software, with integrated preparation for use of EPI accelerators in the system. It is the result of a close cooperation among the 16 partners in Stream4 aiming to fulfil its objectives of specifying a suitable eHPC Platform, define its architecture and develop the necessary software development kit (SDK).

Infineon also expanded the automotive microcontroller in terms of its architecture and performance ability so that it can act as master and control one or several accelerators. Relevant aspects were safety, security, fall back or redundancy for reduced application, with regard to the top Automotive Safety Integrity Level D (ASIL D) at system level, which is required for autonomous driving applications.

The platform is scalable and open for further technologies. The MCP has various slots for other technologies developed as part of EPI, including:

Test runs reveal that EPI now has specific technologies suitable for autonomous driving up to at least level 4 – where the vehicle drives independently most of the time – thus paving the way for the future.

In addition to the hardware platform, this stream also included the development of a complete software ecosystem, based to a large extent on software products by automotive software specialist Elektrobit. This area also comprises the automotive eHPC platform software stack, including the classic automotive open operating system architecture (AUTOSAR) development for Auto eHPC MCUs, and the adaptive AUTOSAR development for HPC GPPs and the L4Re hypervisor (virtualisation) that are crucial for automotive applications.

With regard to safety, a specific concept was jointly created for a software lockstep, thus contributing to an overall EPI safety concept.

After this three-year initial phase, the results and findings will be continued in further projects.

Common Activities

This stream acted as a provider for other technical streams. Excellent collaboration, both internally and with other streams, helped mitigate issues caused by pandemic-imposed travel restrictions and allowed the stream to meet its objectives, enumerated below.

This stream established a co-design process to shape the design of European processors. Simulations and models with different levels of detail and precision were created to identify the impact of design decisions on the performance of future applications. A benchmark suite of over 40 applications was used to support co-design and later evaluate the EPI processors. Applications have also been prepared to run on future EPI systems, by adapting and testing them on comparable hardware platforms and emulators.

The specification of a “common platform” architecture was defined and used as a backbone for architecture exploration, as the starting point for the GPP implementation, and to define guidelines for security and heterogeneous integration.

Another major result was the integration of the power management design in the GPP specifications: power management firmware, off-chip integration consolidating power distribution board design, PLDA integration, and consolidation of the power management hardware integration.

Work was also done on multiple aspects of the support of system software development: general and hybrid programming environments, OpenMP and MPI runtimes on both GPP and RISC-V sides, OpenMP extra threads support for dynamic load balancing (DLB) and the introspection-based scheduling mechanism in the LLVM OpenMP runtime, offloading for both GCC and LLVM toolchains, testing of power and energy monitoring libraries on available reference ARM Platform, and the resource manager.

Another notable achievement was the development of three tools – gem5, MUSA and SESAM/VPSim – for a complete multi-level simulation environment that provides relevant virtual prototypes for a wide range of needs encountered in the EPI streams. These tools demonstrated broad capabilities, including detailed chiplet- and NoC-level simulation, system simulation for software design, and performance evaluation for design space exploration and hardware co-design activities.

“I was delighted to take over the management of a successful stream, midway through the project, that was able to provide a very high level of co-design, a comprehensive set of benchmarks, and useful simulation platforms that allowed the project to envision processor architecture, effective power management, and to start delivering libraries fit for the new system. I would like to thank Romain Dolbeau, who started the stream, and all the work package leaders and teams for their passion and kind spirit of collaboration.” – said Stream Leader Jean-François Blanc (Atos).

The outlook

I’m proud of the outstanding results achieved by EPI teams after only three years of cooperation, paving the way towards Europe’s technological sovereignty. I’m particularly impressed we delivered our objectives on time with a limited budget, despite the unprecedented working conditions due to the terrible COVID-19 pandemic. This has created favourable conditions for the launch of the next phase and its successful delivery of the European processors and accelerators for the EUPEX (EUropean Pilot for Exascale) and TEP (The European Pilot) projects, the precursors to European exascale systems.” – said Eric Monchalin (Atos), chairman of the EPI Board.

About EPI

The European Processor Initiative (EPI) is a project currently implemented under the first stage of the Framework Partnership Agreement signed by the Consortium with the European Commission (FPA: 800928), whose aim is to design and implement a roadmap for a new family of low-power European processors for extreme scale computing, high-performance Big-Data and a range of emerging applications.

Another step closer to demonstrate the capabilities of a RISC-V based European microprocessor

The European Processor Initiative (EPI), a project with 28 partners from 10 European countries, with the goal of making EU achieve independence in HPC chip technologies and HPC infrastructure, is proud to announce that EPAC1.0 RISC-V Test Chip samples were delivered to EPI and initial tests of their operation were successful.

One key segment of EPI activities is to develop and demonstrate fully European-grown processor IPs based on the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture, providing power-efficient and high-throughput accelerator cores named EPAC (European Processor Accelerators).

EPAC combines several accelerator technologies specialized for different application areas. The test chip, shown in the figure below, contains four vector processing micro-tiles (VPU) composed of an Avispado RISC-V core designed by SemiDynamics and a vector processing unit designed by Barcelona Supercomputing Center and the University of Zagreb. Each tile also contains a Home Node and L2 cache, designed respectively by Chalmers and FORTH, that provide a coherent view of the memory subsystem. The chip also includes two additional accelerators: the Stencil and Tensor accelerator (STX) designed by Fraunhofer IIS, ITWM and ETH Zürich, and the variable precision processor (VRP) by CEA LIST. All accelerators on the chip are connected with a very high-speed network on chip and SERDES technology from EXTOLL.

The 143 packaged EPAC test chip samples were fabricated in GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22FDX low-power technology, have an area of 26.97mm2, 14 million placeable instances (93M Gate Equivalent) including 991 memory instances, are packaged in FCBGA with 22×22 balls and have a target frequency of 1GHz.

Figure 1 EPAC test samples

Initial bring-up was successful and EPAC executed its first bare metal program sending the traditional “Hello World!” greetings in different languages to EPI consortia and the world!

Figure 2 Hello World! screenshot

The outlook

EPI will continue to develop, optimize and validate different IP blocks and demonstrate features and performance of those thus creating an EU HPC IP ecosystem and make it available to the processor and accelerator industry and academia to create globally competitive production class building blocks for the next generation HPC systems.

The Initiative has successfully released EPAC1.0 Test Chip for fabrication

The European Processor Initiative (EPI), a project with 28 partners from 10 European countries, with the goal of helping the EU achieve independence in HPC chip technologies and HPC infrastructure, is proud to announce that we have successfully released our EPAC1.0 Test Chip for fabrication.

One key segment of EPI activities is to develop and demonstrate fully European-grown processor IPs based on the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture, providing power-efficient and high-throughput accelerator cores named EPAC (European Processor Accelerators). Using the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture will allow leveraging open-source resources at hardware architecture and software level, as well as ensure independence from non-European patented computing technologies.

EPAC combines several accelerator technologies specialized for different application areas. The test chip, shown in figure 1 below, contains four vector processing micro-tiles (VPU) composed of an Avispado RISC-V core designed by SemiDynamics and a vector processing unit designed by Barcelona Supercomputing Center and the University of Zagreb. Each tile also contains a Home Node and L2 cache, designed respectively by Chalmers and FORTH, that provide a coherent view of the memory subsystem. The Stencil and Tensor accelerator (STX) was designed by Fraunhofer IIS, ITWM and ETH Zürich, and the variable precision processor (VRP) by CEA LIST. These specialized accelerators are connected with very high-speed network on chip and SERDES technology from EXTOLL.

The EPAC design was finalized by Fraunhofer IIS for chip integration in GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22FDX low-power technology and will be integrated and evaluated in the FPGA-based board designed by FORTH, E4 and the University of Zagreb. The successful fabrication of EPAC will showcase the next step in accelerator-based green HPC computing.

Figure 1 EPAC layout with VPU, STX and VRP accelerators with 25 mm2 in GF 22FDX technology

The outlook

The next generation of the EPAC accelerators and interfaces will be improved and refined for even higher performance and lower power levels in 12 nm technologies and below, and by adding a chiplet approach.

Jesus Labarta, BSC (EPAC Coordinator): I am really happy how partners with different backgrounds and motivations have been able to collaboratively develop this chip, putting all their efforts towards a collective success. It is a fully European design, driven by a vision of throughput-oriented computing and featuring characteristic that will result in high programmer productivity and achieve very high performance at low power and cost. Although just an initial Test Chip, it can be a significant step forward in HPC but also for edge and embedded applications.

Norbert Schuhmann, Fraunhofer IIS: The key challenge in this design and architecture was not only to achieve highest throughput and low power levels within the accelerators running on more than 1 GHz, but also to be in sync like in a concerto with memory accesses and data transport inside the chip and to the peripherals at rates above 200 Gbit/s.


The project is finishing its first year with introduction of a new EPI Common Platform, an updated roadmap and presence at key events

The European Processor Initiative (EPI), a project with 27 partners from 10 European countries, with the goal of helping the EU achieve independence in HPC technologies, is approaching the closure of the first year in its three-year cycle.

During that time, the consortium has submitted several architectural designs to the European Commission and is now ready to show its updated roadmap to the public.


Figure 1. EPI Roadmap

The first-generation chip family, named Rhea, will include Arm ZEUS architecture general purpose cores and prototypes of high energy-efficient accelerator tiles: RISC-V based (EPAC), Multi-Purpose Processing Array (MPPA), embedded FPGA (eFPGA) and cryptography HW engine. First Rhea chips will be fabricated in N6 technology aiming at the highest processing capabilities and energy efficiency.

The Rhea chips will be integrated into test platforms, both in workstations and supercomputers in order to validate the hardware units, develop the necessary software interfaces, and run applications. Rhea aims to be the European processor for several experimental platforms towards exascale HPC and future automotive designs.

Today we also announce our long-term commitment to our recently introduced initiative to harmonize the heterogeneous computing environment by defining a common approach: the EPI Common Platform (CP). The EPI CP is in early development but will include the global architecture specification (hardware and software), common design methodology, and global approach for power management and security, in the future.

The CP in the Rhea family of processors will be organized around a 2D-mesh Network-on-Chip (NoC) connecting computing tiles based on general purpose Arm cores with previously mentioned accelerator tiles.

Figure 2. EPI Common Platform

A common software environment between heterogeneous computing tiles will harmonize the system, acting as a common backbone of IP components for IO connection with the external environment such as memories and interconnected or loosely coupled accelerators.

With this CP approach, EPI will provide an environment that can seamlessly integrate any computing tile. The right balance of computing resources matching the application needs will be defined through the carefully designed ratio of the accelerator and general-purpose tiles.

These important developments and more will all be presented at high-profile events the Initiative is attending, announced on EPI’s web:

We invite all interested parties to visit our exhibition booths at upcoming events, with special focus on the Supercomputing Conference in Denver, USA (Nov 17-22, 2019), booth #895, and the European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems in Helsinki, Finland (Nov 19-21, 2019).

Meet us there to discuss EPI’s future!

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